Community Panel Rocky Harbour

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1 Community Panel Rocky Harbour
Gros Morne Tourism Forum

2 Who is visiting? The Rocky Harbour visitor is essentially a
“Gros Morne National Park” visitor and for non-residents a “Newfoundland and Labrador” visitor. Seeking “cluster” of attractions/experiences, wants to be where the action is and centrally located relevant to the Park’s offerings. In many cases responding to NL Tourism ads “promises” to “Find Yourself Here”.

3 Rocky Harbour Anchor Attractions
Gros Morne National Park Western Brook Pond Boat Tour Anchors Aweigh Band Lobster Cove Head Lighthouse Sunsets / Beaches Food Experiences Cultural Experiences Marine Experiences Rocky Harbour Anchor Attractions

4 2016 Visitation Increased visitation 16% Increased occupancy 4.5%
Increased ADRs Room night sales 18% Room Rev 22% Expanded season (May-Oct) Ahead of provincial #’s Group/FIT 20%

Rocky Hr Master Plan Project - Phase 1 150 Anniversary - Free Parks Admission Passes Ongoing efforts in experience development.

6 Conclusion The Rocky Harbour tourism market is expanding ahead of provincial pace in terms of visitation and season expansion. Need concentrated effort to support more experience / attraction development.

7 Questions? Comments?

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