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Rupt = break Mis = bad or badly, wrong

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Presentation on theme: "Rupt = break Mis = bad or badly, wrong"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rupt = break Mis = bad or badly, wrong
Vocab Slideshow # 19 Rupt = break Mis = bad or badly, wrong

2 Abrupt (adj) Sudden; unexpected; broken into what is expected

3 Bankrupt (adj) Look it up!

4 Corrupt (adj) Evil; dishonest; to break away from honesty

5 Corruptible (adj) Able to be influenced into doing something that breaks away from the rules; able to become bad

6 Disrupt (v) To break up; to cause confusion

7 Disruption (n) Look it up!

8 Erupt (v) To explode; to break out with force

9 Interruption (n) Look it up!

10 Interrupt (v) To break into someone’s conversation

11 Rupture (v) To burst or break open (usually a body part)

12 Misbehave (v) To act out badly or in the wrong way

13 Mischievous (adj) Look it up!

14 Miserable (adj) Feeling badly; the condition of feeling unhappy

15 Misfortune (n) Bad luck

16 Misjudge (v) To make a wrong or unfair decision about someone

17 Mislead (v) To guide someone into the wrong direction; to be a bad influence

18 Misspell (v) To spell a word the wrong way

19 Mistake (n) A bad or wrong decision; error

20 Mistreat (v) To treat someone badly

21 Misunderstand (v) To think the wrong thing about what was communicated

22 The End

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