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Totara House Leaders Study Tips!.

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1 Totara House Leaders Study Tips!

2 Tip One: Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure in class. There is bound to be someone who is feeling the same way!

3 Tip Two: If you think you understand something, teach it to another person as this strengthens your own understanding of it even more.

4 Tip Three:  Manage your time wisely! The more time you waste, the more pressure you have to deal with later on.

5 Tip Four: Write out your own little study cheat sheet which sums up everything you have learnt in the year for each subject. It’s easier to study and prepare for exams this way.

6 Tip Five: Use heaps of colours in your notes! Titles, sub-headings and important points that are written in a different colour make it a lot easier when you need to revise from your notes later.

7 Tip Six: Study for one subject at one time to avoid confusion. It can be too overwhelming when you do a little bit of every subject, so just focus on one at a time.

8 Tip Seven: Once you are in class, you might as well pay attention and do you work. You’ve gotten up that early and are already sitting there so do the work then and save yourself from having to do it at home!

9 Tip Eight: Break down what you need to do and complete little bits at a time so you don’t leave it until the last minute and have to rush on the last day.

10 Tip Nine: Listen to your teachers in class. You go to class to learn and not to socialise with your friends. Leave your stories for interval and lunch 

11 Tip Ten: Don’t be afraid to take opportunities as they come and use them. If a teacher is offering help, take it. Try and get some one on one time with a teacher if you need extra help.

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