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Bunker Hill Following Concord, the British fortified Boston.

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1 Bunker Hill Following Concord, the British fortified Boston.
On June 17, 1775, days after the formation of an army was authorized, the British attacked the high ground around Boston at Breed’s Hill. Known to history as Bunker Hill, the militia twice pushed back British assaults before running out of ammunition and retreating before a third.

2 Results of Bunker Hill The British called for more soldiers from England and a change in tactics. Declared the colonies to be in an open state of rebellion. Colonists realized that they could stand with the professional redcoats.

3 The Continental Army

4 The Continental Army Weaknesses Divided between loyalists and patriots
Not well trained Enlistments lasted less than a year Poorly funded; months and years without pay Short on weapons and supplies Strengths Fighting for their freedom Fighting on home turf Have inspiring leaders

5 The British Army

6 The British Army Strengths Well-trained, experienced, professional
Outnumber colonists Well supplied Large number of loyalist colonists willing to aid them Weaknesses Not fighting for a cause Supply lines stretch across the Atlantic Public not overly supportive Poor leadership

7 Strategy of War American Colonies Keep the Colonial Army together
Stretch the British army away from supply lines Harass the enemy, defeat the British in a major battle Get allies to help win! Britain Destroy the Colonial Army Regain control of the colonies by region Take the fight to the Colonial Army using European war tactics Use loyalists support against the colonies

8 The War in the North In 1777, British attempted to end the rebellion by separating New England from the rest of the states. The effort failed when American forces defeated the British at Saratoga, New York. The British captured colonial capital of Philadelphia. The Continental Army suffered through a harsh winter at Valley Forge yet emerged as a disciplined professional army.

9 Saratoga: “Turning Point” of the War?
Despite losing Philadelphia, the victory at Saratoga gained French support. The French signed a commercial and military alliance with United States in 1778. Spain also declared war on Britain.

10 The War Widens In 1778, the British sought to mobilize loyalist support in the South. The worst American defeat of the war took place at Charleston in 1780. Having won several victories, the British prepared to sweep through the South British atrocities inflamed anti-British feelings and hurt the loyalist cause.

11 The Southern Strategy [1780-1781]

12 America Counterattacks
An American defeat led to Nathanael Greene assuming command of American force. The British hold on the South weakened. General Cornwallis moved north to Virginia and encamped at Yorktown. Washington moved his army, supported by French troops to encircle Cornwallis. A French naval force left Cornwallis surrounded. The British army surrendered ending the war.

13 The Battle of Yorktown (1781)

14 The Peace of Paris, 1783 In the Peace of Paris, the British acknowledged United States independence, extended United States territory to the Mississippi and established the northern borders with Canada. British forces were to leave American property, including slaves, behind when they left. American fishermen gained access to waters off eastern Canada

15 North America After the Treaty of Paris, 1783

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