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AN HONEST THIEF By Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

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1 AN HONEST THIEF By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

2 Journal On the next blank page in your notebook, title it “An Honest Thief” and respond to the following prompt: Is there such thing as an “honest thief”? Explain.

3 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Russian author 1821-1881
Large influence on 20th century fiction Many schools of thought in psychology, theology, and literary criticism are shaped by his ideas “Prophetic” Said to have predicted how Russia’s revolutionaries would behave if they came to power This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

4 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Best known for:
Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov Regarded as one of the greatest psychologists in history and literature “He specialized in the analysis of pathological states of mind that lead to insanity, murder…and in the exploration of the emotions of humiliation, self-destruction, tyrannical domination, and murderous rage” ( In his lifetime, he experienced mock execution, imprisonment in Siberia, and was epileptic Capitalized on these events to create his characters Not born into gentry Gentry = aristocracy, upper class

5 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Petrashevsky Circle Arrested on April 23, 1849
Utopian Socialism Joined a secret group devoted to revolution and illegal propaganda Strong disapproval of serfdom Arrested on April 23, 1849 Released on December 22 of that same year Led to be executed, until a messenger arrived stating that the tsar had decided to spare his life This was a “mock” execution designed to be part of the punishment “Instead of being executed, Dostoyevsky was sentenced to four years in a Siberian prison labour camp, to be followed by an indefinite term as a soldier.” ( Returned to Russia 10 years later The dystopian novel is derived from his writings 1984 by George Orwell

6 Discussion Questions Why was the narrator hesitant at the beginning of the story? Why do you think Astafi told the story? How does the first person narration affect the story? Do you believe Emelian was honorable for confessing? Why do you think Emelian confessed? Would you forgive Emelian? Why? Do you think Astafi was involved in the theft of the narrator’s coat? What do you think will happen to Astafi after he tells the story? Why do you think the title of the story is so important? What does it mean?

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