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Indexing Through Memory

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Presentation on theme: "Indexing Through Memory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indexing Through Memory

2 Calculating the Effective Address (EA)
EA = X+ ff EA = Effective Adderss X = The content of X or Y register ff = Offset Ex. Find the effective address of LDAA $08, X. IX = 1000 EA = $ $08 = $1008

3 Example Write a program to copy 100 numbers from a table starting at location $0300 to another table starting at location $0400. ORG $ C6 64 LDAB # CE LDX #$ CE LDY #$ A6 00 CON LDAA $00,X 020B 18 A7 00 STAA $00,Y 020E 08 INX 020F INY A DECB F5 BNE CON FE END BRA END

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