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“Systemness at an Anchor Institution” – Dr. Zimpher, Chancellor, SUNY

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1 “Systemness at an Anchor Institution” – Dr. Zimpher, Chancellor, SUNY
Impact of Motorola’s Vision on Florida Atlantic University’s Engineering Curriculum Presenter: R. Shankar, Engineering, FAU, Boca Raton, FL (561) Co-Authors: J. Borras, Motorola Senior Fellow and Former CTO, Motorola iDEN, and Don Ploger and other FAU academic colleagues from the colleges of Arts & Letters, Business, and Education “Systemness at an Anchor Institution” – Dr. Zimpher, Chancellor, SUNY 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

2 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ
MTC Tracing the History : Motorola One–to-one OPP R&D Project at FAU iDEN Division (15+) Motorola: $1.1 M CSI (30+). See 2009-Present: Professionals as mentors Many –to-many Multi-college App courses Artists, engineers, & entrepreneurs SBA: $130 K Android, Robotics, Sem Web (27 Marketable Apps) joint courses, 589 students Multiple High Tech Businesses MTC Networking Industry R&D Projects Industrial Advisory Board NSF: I/UCRC: $1.4M CAKE: IT, Comm., and Comp. 18 Industry projects faculty & 20 students “Whole is greater than the sum of its parts” “Systemness” 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

3 OPP (One Pass to Production)
Vision: Product Development Cycle from 24 months to 24 hours. Not Impossible! – Other successes – IC, HW, and SW technology, PCR, and Ford auto plants Status: 3 to 4 month cycle possible (~4 fold). More concurrent activities. Cost reduced …. Our papers are at Focus here: Impact on teaching & FAU. Lessons….Does this innovation have legs? Yes, at least at FAU! My sabbatical leave – Others took over. 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

4 Recipe For (Academic) Productivity
Methodology: Top-Down Design: Prototype (Reqs  Analysis  Design)  Demo to user  Repeat  Aesthetic and marketable Platform Bottom-Up Design: Engineering, Arts, IT, and Market Components for Reuse Middle-Out Design: Mix and match platforms and components; Optimize for engineering metrics, aesthetics and user interface, and market niche Other Issues: Standards: Decide and Incorporate Standards Tools: Open Source preferred (for academia) Focus: State-of-the-art topics: jobs, small businesses, and economic impact. Separation of Concerns: Match needs to strengths and encapsulate 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

5 Academic Productivity Process
Develop courses that introduce students to state-of-the-art fields – Smart phone Apps, Robotics, and Semantic Web Deliver on most ABET Criteria 3 (a-k) student outcomes – Team-based projects, across colleges; judged by successful professionals Map Methodology to student levels – Top-Down with Undergraduates, Bottom-Up with Graduates, and Middle-Out with High School students. A 3-course sequence every year. Optimized Apps by student-led small-businesses or our university research teams. Addresses Dr. Zimpher’s 3 (of 6) aspects of ROEI: Seamless Education Pipeline, Entrepreneurship, and Vibrant community. More with content providers on health, climate change, math. 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

6 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ
Results (2009 to Present) Smart Phone Apps: University Presentation (2012) Robotic Apps: Semantic Web Apps: Personal Semantic Web (MTC, Spring 2012) 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

7 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ
Metrics (2009- Present) Students: 462 (Android Apps) from engineering, arts, business, and anthropology; 62 in robotics (engineering and pre-engineering); and 65 in semantic web (engineering and arts) Apps Developed: 27 – need to port them to the new Android OS versions Business Incubation: Five. Three active. One in UMC Jobs: Not tracked, but many local businesses and projects at our NSF center employ these students. Diversity: Ethnic, cultural & professional STEM/STEAM: Aesthetics is a key goal Dissemination: Promotional videos, code, report, storyboard, presentation slides, etc. Conference Papers: 12+ 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

8 Scalability, Transferability, and Sustenance
Scalability: eLearning course in Summer 2012; Anthropology majors as ‘resident’ observers in teams during spring Identified tools to facilitate this. Transferability: Open source, well documented sites Sustenance: An account to receive revenue; Niche Apps –not just fun and game Apps – on climate change, math, health, etc. $20K revenue is reasonable to expect – supports two undergrads Every university has its own niche advantages. Our flow and tools may help others exploit the same. Collaborators to scale and transfer are welcome! Thanks! 5/7/2019 CIEC Conference, Phoenix, AZ

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