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Wilderness First Aid Acronyms

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Presentation on theme: "Wilderness First Aid Acronyms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilderness First Aid Acronyms

2 MOI Mechanism Of Injury: What caused the injury?

3 SAMPLE Signs & symptoms: Ask what hurts? Allergies: do they have any?
Medications: on any, last time taken? Pertinent medical history: anything like this happened before? Existing conditions? Last intake & output: Last time ate or drank? Last time urinated or defecated? Events: What led up to this injury (Mechanism Of Injury)?

4 ABCDE Airway - open? Breathing – is the patient?
Circulation – check hands, feet Disability, possible damage to spinal cord? Environment/Exposure – where is the patient, what are they exposed to?

5 SOAP Subjective info (complaints)
Objective info (i.e. physical exam, vital signs, SAMPLE Assess patient & situation, what do you think is wrong? Plan, what care do you give & how? Stay or evacuate?

6 DOTS Deformities, depressions, indentations and discoloration
Open injuries, penetrating wounds, cuts, scrapes Tenderness Swelling

7 AVPU Alertness Verbal: Responds to verbal stimuli
A + Ox4: knows who, where, when, what A + Ox3: knows who, where, when A + Ox2: knows who, where A + Ox1: knows who Verbal: Responds to verbal stimuli Pain: Responds to pain Unresponsive

8 SCTM Skin Color Temperature Moisture

9 BEAM (lift)

10 LOR Level Of Responsiveness – see AVPU

11 HAINES High Arm IN Endangered Spine
Position to place patient if neck/spine injury is suspected

12 RICE Rest Immobilization Cold Elevation

13 UMBLES Inability to perform tasks: “fumbles”
Confusion, apathy, sluggish, “grumbles” Slurred speech, “mumbles” Altered gait, “stumbles”

14 RTRG Reach with arm, paddle, or pole Throw, rope, buoy, life preserver
Row out to victim & reach to help Go (swim) only, if you are excellent swimmer & have training in water rescue.

15 Questions??? What else could you add to your First Aid Kit?

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