Risk Analysis in Slope Stability Analysis Landslide risk in Sweden

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Analysis in Slope Stability Analysis Landslide risk in Sweden"— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Analysis in Slope Stability Analysis Landslide risk in Sweden
- geology and geo-technology Göran Sällfors

2 Göran Sällfors



5 Göran Sällfors


7 From the perspective of a geotechnical engineer
Göran Sällfors From the perspective of a geotechnical engineer

8 F = R / E = τ(faiure) / τ(mobilized)
Göran Sällfors F = R / E = τ(faiure) / τ(mobilized)

9 Göran Sällfors

10 Göran Sällfors

11 * loads (road, railroad)
Static Time dependent * pore pressure * loads (road, railroad) Göran Sällfors

12 We have methods for determining - U(200 years)
Göran Sällfors We have methods for determining - U(200 years) - Max load from road and railroad

13 (landscaping, construction ...
Future changes Erosion Climate Human activity (landscaping, construction ... Göran Sällfors

14 How to handle Erosion How much can we accept Monitoring
How much can we accept Monitoring Erosion protection Göran Sällfors

15 How to handle Erosion Climate u(200 years) 2019-04-27
Göran Sällfors

16 How to handle Erosion Climate Human activity most difficult filling
piling excavation Göran Sällfors

17 When F is too small, then P(f) is too larg, and then some
Action is required so that P(f) is decreased and becomes satisfactory. Göran Sällfors

18 Improving the stability - Methods
Improving the stability - Methods Göran Sällfors

19 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

20 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

21 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

22 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

23 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

24 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

25 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

26 Improving the stability - Methods
Göran Sällfors

27 Improving the stability - Extent of Remedial Work
Conservative F(min) = a given value irrespective of existing F Reasonable? The lower F, the larger the percentage increase is required Göran Sällfors

28 Improving the stability - Extent of Remedial Work
Conservative F(min) = a given value irrespective of existing F Reasonable? The lower F, the larger the percentage increase is required The smaller Coefficient of variation for F, the smaller percentagewise improvement of F Göran Sällfors

29 2:96 fig Göran Sällfors

30 Coupled to consequence ... .. .
Coupled to consequence Göran Sällfors

31 Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity
Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity Göran Sällfors

32 Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion
Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion Göran Sällfors

33 Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion
Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion - climate change Göran Sällfors

34 Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion
Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion - climate change - future land use Göran Sällfors

35 Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion
Engineeringn judgement - earlier sliding activity - risk for erosion - climate change - future land use Göran Sällfors

36 Thank you ! - Comments? Göran Sällfors

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