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6 Word Memoirs: Telling a story in six words

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1 6 Word Memoirs: Telling a story in six words
English II

2 Friends Friends are a privilege, treat accordingly. ~Alex B.
Full of laughs; never felt better. ~Taylor P. Too crazy for me to handle. ~Carrie L. Let my haters be my motivators. ~Samantha E. Found friends by just being myself. ~Anonymous The go-to-gurus, um, maybe. ~Sean S. Better inspiration? None that I’ve found. ~Anonymous Angels God sent straight from Heaven. ~Megan G. Still there when the rest aren’t. ~Kennedy M. You can never have too many. ~Anonymous People I do dumb stuff with. ~Anonymous

3 Family Sisters: best friends from the start. ~Megan V.
Love them, yup, even my sister. ~Luke M. Nothing like them; getting DNA tests. ~Anonymous Parents: best teachers, advisors, supporters, guiders. ~Jessi E. We pray together; we stay together. ~Sean S. Fighting and loving both take effort. ~Kennedy M. Need a helping hand? Just ask. ~Anonymous Music in a little-bitty shell. ~Anonymous Only thing in common: blood type. ~Tristan M. Family: you can always trust them. ~Anonymous Five strangers under one roof. ~Anonymous

4 Relationships He must have lost his way… ~Brittany M.
Want to marry a hot athlete. ~Kennedy M. Charming doesn’t need to save me. ~Taylor P. Who needs love? I have chocolate. ~Anonymous Hateful and mean explains my cat. ~Carrie L. Learning from mistakes and moving on. ~Nolan M. Who needs them while in school? ~Dylan B. Someday my prince will come…hopefully. ~Samantha E. I’ll meet that special someone someday. ~Joey B. Buying a cat; wanna be alone. ~Anonymous I see the beauty you can’t. ~Tristan M.

5 Relationships cont. You’re great, just not my type. ~Anonymous
I’m so tired of missing you. ~Micki B. Stop bothering me; I need time. ~Anonymous I’ll take Aladdin over Romeo, thanks. ~Megan G.

6 Emotions Don’t bottle up; shout it out! ~Aniesa B.
Happy—mad, one extreme to another. ~Anonymous Close your mouth; open your mind. ~Taylor P. Seeing the best when everything’s bad. ~Anonymous What? Never heard of these. ~Luke M. Sometimes emotions are wiser than thoughts. ~Anonymous Men cry too; it’s not taboo. ~Alex B. Helping others makes me feel great. ~Dylan B. Think outside the box, not in. ~Anonymous If I wanted help, I’d ask. ~Anonymous Play with passion, not with attitude. ~Anonymous Sometimes hold it in, sometimes can’t. ~Micki B.

7 Hobbies Born a winner, always will be. ~Anonymous
Dancing and singing to my songs. ~Mackenzie D. Train hard, run plenty, play soccer. ~Jessica C. A book is a new world. ~Anonymous Music second language. Need bigger vocabulary. ~Luke M. Guns: girls can shoot them too. ~ Megan V. Ty bears rock; they’re great huggers. ~Taylor P. Running circles: what I do best. ~Jessi E. Colorguard. Are five other words necessary? ~Brittni B. Living a new life every day. ~Megan G. Books are the mind’s eternal gateway. ~Joey B. Life through art, stories in photographs. ~Alex B.

8 Hopes & Dreams Making my family and myself proud. ~Megan V.
Far above the clouds I’ll be… ~Samantha E. Wishes accomplish nothing. Actions actually do. ~Anonymous Living inside shells; people should hatch. ~Anonymous Try your best, or don’t try. ~Anonymous Passion always makes dreams come true. ~Brittni B. High aspirations: success even in failure. ~Nolan M. Honor student means nothing out there. ~Kennedy M. Failed at succeeding; succeeded in failing. ~Anonymous Hard work always pays off eventually. ~Anonymous Take one step at a time. ~Anonymous No one can walk in my shoes. ~Anonymous

9 Hopes & Dreams cont. Cardinals vs. Cubs, here I come. ~Joey B.
Future: it’s what we make it. ~Alex B.

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