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Senior Project – Computer Engineering - 2006 Active Noise Cancellation For the Attenuation of Sound Stephen E. Lee Advisor – Prof. Catravas Results One.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Project – Computer Engineering - 2006 Active Noise Cancellation For the Attenuation of Sound Stephen E. Lee Advisor – Prof. Catravas Results One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Project – Computer Engineering Active Noise Cancellation For the Attenuation of Sound Stephen E. Lee Advisor – Prof. Catravas Results One Dimensional Wave Equation: N108 Acoustics: Ambient Noise: ~55 dB N108 Resonances (Hz): 237, 273, 303 with SPL of 79.5 dB, 76.0 dB and 75.8 dB respectively Sound attenuations of 10 – 30 dB are possible with proper speaker placement. Sound pressure level acts opposite to what is expected for small speaker separation distances. Design Goals Design a system to attenuate a simple acoustic signal Refine the system to allow for sound attenuation of an arbitrary signal Background The basis for noise cancellation is that a signal can be manipulated in a such a way that it will destructively interfere with itself. Active noise cancellation works by employing an adaptive filter that uses a cost function to decide how to adjust the filter coefficients. Room Acoustics Terms Reverberation – All of the reflected sound in an enclosed area Resonances – Frequencies of sound that are amplified due to the environment Absorption – The material in the room affects how sound is reflected and dampens certain frequencies Experimental Setup Preliminary: A set of speakers were driven by a function generator. They were oriented to be facing the same direction with a distance d of separation. Measurements of the sound pressure level were taken at a distance of x = 0.5 – 1.0 m. Future Work Implement an adaptive filter in software Compare the performance of a Kalman filter to the performance of a LMS filter. Automate measurements of the sound field.

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