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Paragraph Formatting MOAC Lesson 4.

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1 Paragraph Formatting MOAC Lesson 4

2 Paragraph Formatting Process of changing the appearance of a paragraph of text Includes: Alignment Borders and Shading Line Spacing Indentation

3 Indents Indent: blank space inserted between text and the left or right margin First Line Indent: inserts blank space between the left margin and the paragraph Default tab is 0.5”

4 Indents Hanging Indent: begins with the first full line of text in a paragraph at the left margin, all of the remaining lines in the paragraph are then indented from the left margin (used in legal documents) Negative Indent: extends the paragraph text into the left margin

5 Paragraph Alignment Refers to how text is positioned between a document’s margin Default alignment is left Vertical Alignment: how text is positioned at the top margin, at the center of the page, or at the bottom of the page Page Layout Ribbon > Page Setup Dialog Box > Layout Tab > Page > Vertical Alignment

6 Line Spacing Amount of vertical space between lines of text
Single Space – Control + 1 Double Space – Control + 2 1.5 Lines – Control + 5 At Least – Provides the minimum amount of space for a line of text Exactly – provides an exact amount of space for a line of text Multiple – sets the amount of space (double, triple, quadruple)

7 Bulleted Lists Series of paragraphs, each beginning with a bullet character

8 Setting Tabs Tabs can be set by using the ruler
Left Tab – text is left aligned Right Tab – text is right aligned Center Tab – centers the text Decimal Align – aligns numbers at the decimal point Bar Tab – places a bar in the document

9 Source John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2014). Microsoft Official Academic Course Microsoft Word 2013, Exam

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