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Discussion on intermediate data storage for inter-calibration activities Prepared by S. Wagner.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion on intermediate data storage for inter-calibration activities Prepared by S. Wagner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion on intermediate data storage for inter-calibration activities
Prepared by S. Wagner

2 Inter-calibration and use of common references
Context : Inter-calibration and use of common references across the various GPRCs + partners Real or virtual generation of intermediate dataset in the processing chains before deriving the final GSICS products Questions: Need for sharing information on the intermediate steps / dataset? Usefulness for reprocessing activities? Common database/storage for data reference instruments?

3 Why is there a need? Need for sharing information on the intermediate steps / dataset? Possibility to check / validate the implementation of a common ATBD across the various GPRCs Possibility to run common cases to secure the validation of a product Possibility to trace back differences in products (in particular if more GPRCs generate a same product, but not only…) Increase interactions between GSICS R&D WG members and partners

4 Why is there a need? Usefulness for reprocessing activities?
To speed-up reprocessing: No need for uploading archived full images from various instruments Pre-processing done (SNOs, DCCs extraction, etc.) To allow stand-alone analysis (away from ground-segments and reprocessing chains) Increase interactions between GSICS R&D WG members and partners

5 Why is there a need? Common database/storage for data reference instruments? Same reference dataset(s) across the various GPRCs (e.g. DCCs where statistical approach over large amount of data is performed) Speed-up the processing as preprocessing is already done (in particular for MODIS) Increase interactions between GSICS R&D WG members and partners

6 Why is there a need? What else do we want / need ? DISCUSSION

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