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1. Elements of musical notation which determine the duration

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1 1. Elements of musical notation which determine the duration
1.1. Note values 1.2. Rests 1.3. Time signatures 1.4. Note length modifiers 1.5. Tempo Index of the book Índice del libro

2 Elements of musical notation which determine the duration
1.1. Note values Note values are symbols that represent the different durations of sound.

3 They match with note values in name and length:
Elements of musical notation which determine the duration 1.2. Rests Rests are symbols we use to represent the duration of the abscence of sound. They match with note values in name and length:

4 Elements of musical notation which determine the duration
1.3. Time signatures They are used to divide the time into equal parts and to set the length of note values and rests. The are represented by fractions: Nr. of beats numerator Note value = 1 beat denominator We can determine any time signature by joining the data:

5 Types of time signatures according to the number of beats.
Elements of musical notation which determine the duration 1.3. Time signatures Types of time signatures according to the number of beats. Duple: divided into two beats Triple: divided into three beats Quadruple: divided into four beats

6 Most common time signatures
Elements of musical notation which determine the duration 1.3. Time signatures Most common time signatures

7 They are used to prolong or extend the duration of notes and rests.
Elements of musical notation which determine the duration 1.4. Note length modifiers They are used to prolong or extend the duration of notes and rests. Dot: it is a small dot placed on the right of notes and rests. It adds half of their value. Ligature: it is a curved line that links two or more notes that sound the same, adding up their lengths. Fermata: it is a semicircle with a dot in the middle. It extends the length of the note or rest, interrupting for a moment the time measure.

8 The tempo is the speed of the performance of a musical piece.
Elements of musical notation which determine the duration 1.5. Tempo The tempo is the speed of the performance of a musical piece. Metronome: it is a device with a pendulum, similar to a watch, whose oscillations set the number of beats per minute. • Largo: very slow • Adagio: slow • Andante: calm • Allegro: fast • Presto: very fast • Vivace: very fast

9 Índice del libro

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