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Presentation on theme: "Galaxies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galaxies

2 Galaxies Galaxies – large groupings of stars in space
Contain more than a trillion stars (estimation based on size and brightness)

3 Types of Galaxies Spiral galaxies Elliptical galaxies
Irregular galaxies

4 Spiral galaxies Bulge at the center and very distinctive spiral arms
When the center has a bar shape, its a barrel spiral Milky Way galaxy is thought to be a spiral galaxy, similar to the nearest galaxy, Andromeda Our solar system is located on the outer edge


6 Elliptical galaxies Very bright centers and very little dust and gas
Contain very old stars, no new stars forming

7 Irregular galaxies Galaxies that don't fit into any other class
EX: Large Magellanic Cloud, companion to a large spiral galaxy whose gravity may be distorting the shape of their smaller neighbor

8 Contents of Galaxies Gas clouds – nebula
Open clusters – groups of stars that form when large amounts of gas and dust came together located along spiral disk of a galaxy Newly formed open clusters have many bright blue stars Globular clusters – groups of older stars that formed from a large gas cloud Looks like a ball of stars Located in the spherical halo that surrounds spiral galaxies

9 Origin of galaxies Galaxies form from collapsing clouds of gas and dust If stars form slowly, the cloud collapses into a disk and forms a spiral galaxy If stars form quickly, the cloud becomes an elliptical galaxy

10 Back in time Looking through a telescope is like looking back in time because it takes time for light to travel through space Quasars – star like source of light/radio waves that is extremely far away


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