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Bellringer 10/22/13 Where is DNA located in the cell?

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1 Bellringer 10/22/13 Where is DNA located in the cell?

2 Topic: The cell cycle and Mitosis
EQ: What are the phases of the cell cycle


4 How do little elephants grow up to be BIG elephants?

5 Animated Mitosis Cycle
Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase & Cytokinesis

6 Why do animals shed their skin?

7 Cell Cycle Cells go through cycles…. Through the cell cycle:
Organisms grow Develop-become more complex Replace old or damaged cells Produce new cells

8 Cell Cycle Cells cannot just split in half. They must make complete copies of themselves. The copies need their DNA. That is the recipe for building new cells. The DNA must be copied exactly. That is the only way each cell can live and work right. The steps that cells go through are called the Cell Cycle. Each step is called a phase.

9 How does the cell know how to divide?
Cell Division Reproduction Growth Repair Why do cells divide? How does the cell know how to divide? The DNA has the instructions for all of the cell’s activities.

10 3 Phases of the cell cycle
The sequence of development and division of a cell 3 Phases of the cell cycle Phase 1: Interphase – Preparation Phase 2: Mitosis – Cell division Phase 3: Cytokinesis – Splitting

11 Cell Cycle 1. Interphase 2. Prophase 3. Metaphase 4. Anaphase
5. Telophase 6. Cytokinesis How I remember them: I Play Music At The Club

12 Activity 1. Cut out figure 2 pg. 96 2. Glue on ISN 16 Quick Write
3. Explain what the cell cycle is. Explain why the cell cycle is crucial for living organisms.

13 Bellringer 10/24/13 What is happening in the cell during Interphase?

14 Topic: The cell cycle ) EQ: List the phases of the cell cycle in order.

15 REVIEW DNA replication – helix unzips

16 DNA replication – helix unzips

17 DNA replication – two strands are separated

18 DNA replication – each side is now a template

19 DNA replication – two identical strands of DNA
Original DNA strands

20 What is the relationship between DNA, and chromosomes?
Chromosomes are strands of DNA that are coiled up Chro

21 What is the relationship between DNA and chromosomes?
Chromosomes are strands of DNA that are coiled up The chromosome is what splits during cell division.

22 Interphase What happens Cell doubles in size
Looks like a plate of spagetti What happens Cell doubles in size DNA replicates (is copied) Organelles double in number Cells spend most of their time in interphase..

23 Interphase Plant Cell Animal Cell
Photographs from:

24 Mitosis: PROPHASE What happens DNA forms chromosomes Spindle forms
Centrioles (help) cells during division. Cant be seen any other time. move toward opposite poles Nuclear membrane begins to disappear

25 Prophase Plant Cell Animal Cell Spindle fibers Centrioles
Photographs from:

26 Mitosis: METAPHASE What happens Nucleus has disappeared completely
Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell “equator”

27 Metaphase Plant Cell Animal Cell
Photographs from:

28 Summarizing Activity 1. Turn to pg. 100
2. Cut out the pictures representing prophase and metaphase. 3. Glue onto ISN 18 4. Fill in the missing blanks

29 Mitosis: ANAPHASE What happens Centromeres divide
Chromatids separate and move to opposite poles

30 Anaphase Plant Cell Animal Cell
Photographs from:

31 Mitosis: TELOPHASE What happens
Nuclear membrane forms around each group of chromosomes Chromosomes unwind Cytokinesis begins

32 Telophase Plant Cell Animal Cell
Photographs from:

33 Cytokinesis Cytoplasm divides One cell becomes 2 cells What happens

34 The Cell Cycle-Describe what’s happening in each phase
- Cell Division 35

35 Animal Mitosis Directions: Label the phases of mitosis and describe what is happening to the cell in each phase Interphase                                                              Prophase                                                              Metaphase                                                              Anaphase                                                              Telophase                                                              Cytokinesis                                                             

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