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Regional WIGOS Centre Plans of India

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1 Regional WIGOS Centre Plans of India

2 Outline Present Regional Centers of India Capacity Building Plan of India

3 Present Regional Centers
New Delhi is working as a Regional Telecom Hub on IMTN. Its zone of responsibility extends roughly from Saudi Arabia in the west to Thailand in the East and the adjoining sea areas.  Other meteorological services in the Middle East and South East Asia also depends for their data requirements on RTH, New Delhi. 

4 GISC New Delhi is operational from 2016 and its area of Responsibility for GISC is Bangladesh, Maldives, Bhutan and Srilanka. Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) Tropical Cyclones New Delhi assigned the responsibility of issuing Tropical Weather Outlooks and Tropical Cyclone Advisories for the benefit of the countries in the WMO/ESCAP Panel region bordering the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, namely, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand.  Indian has a Regional Training Centre (RTC) which is recognized by WMO.

5 As a WMO RTC it has the commitment for Capacity building in General Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology, Agricultural Meteorology, Instruments & Telecommunication and Climate services. India is one of the issuing services of Met area VIII (N) among the 16 issuing services of WMO Marine broadcast system under the GMDSS. The Inter governmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO designated Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC) as a Regional Tsunami Service Provider (RTSP) to provide tsunami warnings to countries on the Indian Ocean Rim.

6 OSCAR/Surface being populated and updated with WIGOS metadata for which observations are exchanged internationally. WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS): national process in place, for acting on quality problem information received from WDQMS;

7 Capacity building Till December 2017, 280 foreign trainees from 30 different countries have been trained in forecasting discipline, through long term courses.. In 2014 and in 2015 two international training programs on instrument maintenance & calibration were conducted, in which 24 foreign participants from 21 countries were trained.

8 IMD organize the WMO cyclone forecasters training for International Participants on cyclone forecasting every year. This year 2018 the Participants from Myanmar, Oman, SriLanka, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam attended the training. Next year (2019) in Jan-Feb another international training workshop on Operational Climate Services has been planned, in which about 30 foreign participants are expected to participate. GISC New Delhi shall provide onsite training to neighboring NMHS, including guidance for WIS implementation to continue capacity building activities for their AoR during coming years, preferably on implementation of OpenWIS.

9 Plan of India India has been working as Regional Centre for other WMO programme. Indian would like to know from WMO about the requirements and the roadmap to establish RWC India shall be working as RWC in South East Asia after approval. Initially the establishment of RWC India shall be in pilot mode.

10 Thank you

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