Tambov Instrument-making college The Complex Object Has executed by the teacher of English language Gorbacheva Irina Igorevna 2012.

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1 Tambov Instrument-making college The Complex Object Has executed by the teacher of English language Gorbacheva Irina Igorevna 2012

2 The Complex Object consists of two elements. They form a unit that cant be divided; therefore its regarded as one part of the sentence – an object. The Complex Object nearly always corresponds to a subordinate object clause in Russian.

3 The Complex Object may be expressed by an objective-with-the-Infinitive construction, a participial construction and by some others. In these constructions the first element is a nominal element expressed by a noun (in the common case) or a pronoun (in the objective case). The second element is expressed by an Infinitive or by a Participle.

4 The Complex Object may be used only after certain verbs. The Infinitive (without the particle to) or Participle I can be used after the verbs: see, hear, feel, watch, notice, observe and others. We saw him cross (crossing) the street.-Мы видели, как (что) он переходит (переходил) улицу. Participle I draws the attention to the action in process.

5 The Infinitive (without the particle to) is used after the verbs make (in the meaning of заставлять), let (in the meaning of позволять). What made you believe it? - Что заставило тебя поверить этому? He didnt let me pay for the taxi. – Он не разрешил мне заплатить за такси. The Infinitive (with the particle to) is used after the verbs: want, wish, like, dislike, love, hate, intend and some others. I want you to leave me alone. – Я хочу, чтобы ты оставил меня в покое.

6 The Infinitive of the verb to be (with the particle to) is used after the verbs: think, believe, expect, suppose, know. But it may be omitted after the verbs: think, find, consider. I know (believe, suppose) him to be clever. But: I think (find, consider) him (to be) clever.

7 Participle II is often used after the verb to have. It suggests an action performed not by the person denoted by the subject of the sentence. Did you have your dictations checked? – Ваши диктанты проверили?

8 Complex Object. Training + Keys. 1.Мы не знали, что он был таким храбрым человеком. 2. Позвольте мне донести вашу сумку. 3.Покупатели желали, чтобы товары были отгружены немедленно. 4.Мы считаем, что у нас есть право сделать это в любое время. 5.Я не ожидал, что меня пошлют в магазин. 6.Вы хотите, чтобы я пошёл с вами? 7.Пусть делает что хочет. 8.Я заставлю вас сделать это! 9.Меня заставили не говорить правды. 10.Нам не разрешают делать личные звонки на работе. 11.Я почувствовал, как что-то неожиданно коснулось моей руки. 12.Я почувствовал, как что-то касалось меня.

9 1. We didnt know him to be such a brave person. 2. Let me carry your bag for you. 3. The buyers wished the goods to be dispatched immediately. 4. We consider ourselves to have the right to do it anytime. 5. I didnt expect to be sent to the shop. 6. Do you want me to go with you? 7. Let him (her) do what he (she) wants. 8. Ill make you do it! 9. I was made not to tell the truth. 10. We are not allowed to make personal phone calls at work. 11. I felt something touch my hand unexpectedly. 12. I felt something touching me.

10 Internet-resourses http://vladweb.narod.ru/english/grammer/com plexobject.htm http://vladweb.narod.ru/english/grammer/com plexobject.htm http://engblog.ru/complex-object

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