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Program Development, Reduction, and Review: Faculty Take the Lead

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1 Program Development, Reduction, and Review: Faculty Take the Lead
Shaaron Vogel, Butte College Jane Patton, Mission College Mark Wade Lieu, Ohlone College

2 Authority Under Title 5 Regulation §53200
Educational Program Development Curriculum Accreditation Processes for Budget and Planning Processes for Program Review

3 Program Review: Developing a Faculty Driven Process (1996 ASCCC)
Resources Program Review: Developing a Faculty Driven Process (1996 ASCCC) Program Discontinuance: A Faculty Perspective (1998 ASCCC) Program Discontinuance Sample Policies (2003 CCCCIO/CCCAOE) System Office Web Resources Course and Program Approval Handbook Instructional Program Improvement Resource Guide

4 Based on Student need Program Development Timely completion
Local employers must have need to hire completers Community need Advisory council recommendation Education and training need to match industry standards

5 What is a new program A new job niche A new transfer major
Program Development What is a new program A new job niche A new transfer major If not, it’s a new option for an existing program

6 Adding a new program: locally
Faculty develop curriculum to address identified needs Local curriculum committee approval

7 Adding a new program: regionally
Labor market information Demonstration of non-destructive competition with other college programs

8 Adding a new program: state level
Submission to the System Office – following handbook guidelines

9 Adding a new program: state level
What is happening with Course and Approval Handbook Unified program application form Clearer instructions regarding new programs vs options

10 Issues in Program Review
Need for policies to be in place (53203) Clear links to faculty role (53200) Educational Planning Accreditation Budget and Planning Curriculum Student Equity and Success

11 Purposes Provides a mechanism for the assessment of performance that recognizes and acknowledges good performance and academic excellence Improves the quality of instruction and services Updates programs and services Fosters self-renewal and self-study Provides for the identification of weak performance

12 More Purposes Assists programs in achieving needed improvement Should be seen as a component of campus planning that will not only lead to better utilization of existing resources, but also lead to increased quality of instruction and service Monitors and pursue the congruence between the goals and priorities of the college and the actual practices in the program or service Meets accountability mandates Demonstrates a systematic planning process

13 How is the review applied Provisions for minority reports
Considerations Confidentiality Who does the review How is the review applied Provisions for minority reports How often should it occur Every two years for vocational programs (EC 78016) Every five for UC Every six for CSU Two years only if receiving VTEA funds Coordinate with all your other reporting – no sense in repeating efforts

14 Issues in Program Reduction
Program viability study Number of students “in the pipeline” Regionalization or distance education Labor market information Comparison of industry standards to curriculum Student Learning Outcomes Draw comparisons such as WSCH to cost of program

15 Issues in Program Discontinuance
Who should be involved and what are their roles in developing the process? What are the criteria for initiating the discontinuance process? How are programs to be identified and by whom? What are the effects on students and student success when a program is discontinued? What provisions can and should be made for students in progress to complete their training?

16 More Issues in Program Discontinuance
How does the discontinuance of a program alter the comprehensiveness and balance of offerings across the college curriculum? Within the district? How does the program discontinuance process fit into the educational and budget planning process used at the institution? What are the regional effects of program discontinuance? What are the effects on transfer to UC/CSU? What are the effects on local business and industries? Retraining for affected faculty Political issues and how to mitigate them

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