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Starter What makes a good composition (guess)?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter What makes a good composition (guess)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter What makes a good composition (guess)?
What do you think the rule of thirds is (guess)? Did you know math is key in making a good composition in art. How do you think you could use math to create art? Draw what you think non-objective art looks like (guess)?

2 Fused glass & composition
Jewelry Fused glass & composition

3 Agenda Go over what we did last time.
Talk about creating a good composition with the rule of thirds The golden ratio, and implied lines. Go over non-objective art and how we will use composition to make good non-objective art using glass. Make our own glass paintings and talk about the fusing process.

4 Last time We finished shading or coloring the one point perspective.
We turned in our one point perspective last time.

5 Golden Ratio The golden ratio describes the prfect symmetrical relationship between two proportions. Approximately equal to a 1:1:61 ratio. Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, … Or 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, … Each is the sum of the previous 2

6 Golden ratio Start with a rectangle.
Add a square that is equal to the short side.

7 Golden ratio Now do the same to the smaller rectangle Plotting the relationships in scale provides us with a naturel spiral


9 To Begin All you really need to know is this: a good composition is nothing more than a pleasing arrangement of shapes, colors and tones. But we do not want good composition we want great composition!

10 Rule of thirds This is where you break up an image into thirds both vertically and horizontally. You will notice the one on the left focuses on the people where the one on the right focuses on the pillar. This is how the rule of thirds works. This makes it so the one dominant item is no longer dominant and the image can look balanced.

11 Non-Objective work Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky was an influential Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting one of the first purely abstract works. Non-objective means there is no defined object it is purely design.

12 How to fuse glass We are going to be melting the glass in a kiln.
Like ceramics we use a kiln to create our projects. Unlike ceramics we will increase the temperatures very fast in the kiln than let them cool very slowly.

13 Demonstration Listen and follow Mrs. Francesconi to each station to see what to do at each.

14 The Assignment – Fused Glass
Each of you has a piece of paper to hold your glass for the kiln. You will design an abstract butterfly and caterpillar for this project. The assignment will be due at the end of class and will be graded at the end of class (your grade is dependent on you completing the assignment today not that it is fired or not) This project is to be hung at the platforms location on Adams and 25th for the month of October.

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