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Does ovarian stimulation regimen affect IVF outcome

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1 Does ovarian stimulation regimen affect IVF outcome
Does ovarian stimulation regimen affect IVF outcome? a two-centre, real-world retrospective study using predominantly cleavage-stage, single embryo transfer  Per-Olof Karlström, Jan Holte, Nermin Hadziosmanovic, Kenny A. Rodriguez-Wallberg, Jan I. Olofsson  Reproductive BioMedicine Online  Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages (January 2018) DOI: /j.rbmo Copyright © 2017 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 (A) Delivery per oocyte retrieval by age at oocyte retrieval, all treatments; (B) logit curves of delivery per oocyte retrieval by age at oocyte retrieval for HP-HMG and rFSH ovarian stimulation; (c) logit curves of delivery per oocyte retrieval by ovarian sensitivity index for HP-HMG and rFSH ovarian stimulation; (D) logit curves of delivery per oocyte retrieval by the total number of oocytes per retrieval for HP-HMG and rFSH ovarian stimulation; (E) logit curves of delivery per oocyte retrieval by FSH total dose for HP-HMG and rFSH ovarian stimulation; (F) delivery per embryo transfer (day 2 embryo transfer) by embryo score, all treatments. Solid line represents fitted generalized additive model smooth function. Dotted line represents 95% confidence interval of the generalized additive model estimate (panels A, F). Dashed line represents distribution of the data for each treatment (panels B–E). HP-HMG, highly purified human menopausal gonadotrophin; rFSH, recombinant follicle stimulating hormone. Reproductive BioMedicine Online  , 59-66DOI: ( /j.rbmo ) Copyright © 2017 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

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