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Nervous system.

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous system

2 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

3 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

4 Review Systems of the Human Body:
Human body is made of ten different systems. All the systems require support and coordination of other systems to form a living and healthy human body

5 Systems of the Human Body

6 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

7 Definition of the nervous system
The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events.

8 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

9 Components of the nervous system
The nervous system consists of two main parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system:

10 Components of the nervous system

11 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

12 Work of the nervous system
The nervous system is a network of cells called neurons which transmit information in the form of electrical signals. brain has around 100 billion neurons, and each communicates with thousands of. Neurons communicate with each other at special junctions where chemicals help to bridge the gap between one neuron and the next

13 Work of the nervous system

14 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

15 Diseases affecting the nervous system
Examples of Diseases affecting the nervous :system Epilepsy Shingles Stroke

16 Epilepsy Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by epileptic seizures Epileptic seizures are episodes that can vary from brief and nearly undetectable to long periods of vigorous shaking

17 Shingles Shingles is a painful rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox.

18 Stroke Stroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted

19 Outline Review (Systems of the Human Body) Definition of the nervous system Components of the nervous system Work of the nervous system Diseases affecting the nervous system References

20 References

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