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Lab 6 TA: Dorji Pelzom.

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1 Lab 6 TA: Dorji Pelzom

2 Q.1

3 Enter the given mean and SD, no. of samples and obs.

4 Reading in your data

5,, s.p and s.p/a.N.n
For formula refer the course notes on the website In R we get and s.p using the following commands.<-sum(NormalSamples$sd)/N <- ma <- (,NormalSamples[1:n]) v <- c(ma) s.p<-sd(v) #pooled sd of all the Nn data saNn<-s.p/aNn

6 Q.1.c Combine all of your group members data and re-calculate all the statistics and note down what you observe.

7 Question 2.a & b A) qcc(diameter[1:40], type=“?”)
Comment on what you observe and also how many sd either side of the center line are the UCL and LCL? B) Comment on what you observe and what is chosen as the centerline?

8 Questions??

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