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Inter-Gen Technology Literacy Tick Tock Tech - - The Clock Is Ticking…

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1 Inter-Gen Technology Literacy Tick Tock Tech - - The Clock Is Ticking…

2 The Problem Lack Underrepresented Community Technology
K-14 Youth & Seniors Lack Technology Literacy Underrepresented Community Ten to One “We must keep up with the time, and a lot of seniors are realizing that we need to be equipped for a society that functions on computers.” Rosa, a 79 year old computer tech student.

3 The Literature Review Constructivism
Preparation Phase Constructivism According to Vygotsky’s (1978) sociocultural theory, learning is facilitated through interaction with the social environment (interpersonal learning) rather than intrapersonal learning. Theorist and practitioner who affected education system today - John Dewey (Westbrook, 1993)

4 My Cycles How might the computer lab be configured to better serve the seniors and the youth? How do I recruit and train TA? What projects would be relevant? How to I achieve bonding amongst my students? How can I implement social engagement? How can I empower and motivate my students to share in my passion for technology literacy?

5 My Cycles Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three
Appropriate Classroom Behavior (Youth) Training Teacher Assistant Expanding Relevant Projects Student Bonding & Social Engagement Outside of the Classroom Empowerment Using Motivation and Passion Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three

6 TA Training & Code of Conduct

7 Community Service Hours
The Gaming Project Community Service Hours

8 When Asking For Help, How Do You Feel?
Data Analysis When Asking For Help, How Do You Feel?

9 Do You Understand?

10 Data Analysis

11 Data Analysis

12 Data Analysis

13 Data Analysis

14 Answers From Question 6… How Are You Using What You Learned?
Online Banking Made PowerPoint for science class Search for books online for a book club Downloading files Made thank you cards in Word I can use Excel for school I can use Skype to talk to my children I can draw a picture in paint Put my finances in Excel I can use my PC now Created a webpage I check the baseball scores I book my club’s bus trip Made a poster for my class I can get to my dress up game I can help others with databases Gmail and Games Type all of my work I watch Net Flex I use my skills at home Answers From Question 6… How Are You Using What You Learned?

15 Home Page Project

16 Helping Out in the The Class

17 Class Field Trip USS Midway


19 Reflections Being unapproachable is not collaborating. Reflect!
I am happier when I am learning. Sometimes I am the facilitator in my classroom. Active learning is when you can relate and take ownership of the learning. I must teach 37 like I’m teaching one person. To be a better listener. It’s not how much but how well I teach. That I missed my sister. I won’t like every student, but I must act like I do. Reflect, Reflect, and Reflect some more. Being unapproachable is not collaborating. Reflect!


21 “ Don’t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first
“ Don’t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed. ~ Marva Collins”

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