Care Act 2014 how prepared are you?

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1 Care Act 2014 how prepared are you?
Workforce capacity planning and learning and development B. Care Act 2014 – how prepared are you? Implementation of the Care Act in April 2015 will have significant implications for the adult social care workforce in England. Through practical exercises, this workshop will help you test how prepared you are for the changes and identify what final things you may need to consider. There will also be an opportunity to explore the free learning and development materials available and how they can meet the knowledge and skills requirements of your workforce, to enable local facilitators and planners develop learning programmes tailored to the needs of their local workforce. Those attending will leave with a handy reference card with key statements around workforce planning to prompt thinking following the conference.

2 Care Act 2014 Introduction Care Act animation

3 Brief overview Single new Act with well-being at it’s heart
Major reform of the legal framework for adult care and support in England: duties of local authorities rights of those in need of care and support support to carers changes to the funding system Significant implications for the adult social care workforce in England The Care Act brings care and support legislation together into a single act with a new well-being principle at its heart. It introduces major reforms to the legal framework for adult care and support in England - to the duties of local authorities, to the rights of those in need of care and support and their carers and to the funding system for care and support. What does it mean for you? Implementation of the Care Act will have significant implications for the adult social care workforce in England. The changes will impact the way councils do business and the roles of their workforce. They will have an impact on care providers and user organisations and their roles in the delivery of care, and the expectations and duties placed on them by the new legislation.

4 How can we help? Implementation support
The workforce capacity planning programme The learning and development programme Skills for Care and the National Skills Academy for Social Care have been commissioned by the Department of Health to deliver two programmes of work as part of the preparation for the implementation of the Care Act in April 2015:

5 Workforce capacity planning
The right number of people in the right roles? How ready are you? – workforce readiness tool Thinking through the issues and making change happen – workforce capacity planning model Making the changes – case studies

6 Learning and development
People with the skills and knowledge to implement the changes The learning and development programme covers the Act and its statutory guidance, focusing on the key changes introduced It includes a suite of materials, rather than an ‘off the peg’ training pack The materials can be tailored to meet individual and local learning and development needs whilst maintaining national consistency There is a guide to help people navigate and get the best from the materials They can be used by everyone in the adult social care workforce

7 Small group discussion Now you’ve heard about what we have to offer, what do you need to be thinking about/doing to prepare for the implementation of the changes

8 Main group Feedback and discussion

9 Further information Links and additional resources
Workforce readiness tool Care Act learning and development materials Workforce capacity planning model Guide to the Care Act 2014 learning and development programme Workforce commissioning Case studies: Bolton Curriculum guide for social workers Thurrock Oxfordshire Prospectus of workforce development solutions and support Wigan Enfield

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