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Health & Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Health & Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health & Medicine

2 The Black Death Bacillus infected lymph nodes
1347 the black plague swept through Europe Killed 1/3 of Europe’s population in 2 years

3 Spread from fleas to rats to people Spread Quickly
Close unsanitary living conditions People did not bath regularly The dead were left unburied

4 Two Groups Successfully Avoided the Plague
Jews Washed hands before they ate Bathed once a week Conducted burials soon after death Wealthy - Fled to the remote country

5 Health risks are always unevenly distributed
Some groups are more likely to get sick or die than others - Health is not just a medical question but also a social issue.

6 Health Problems Change
Over Time

7 Sanitation & Hygiene

8 Super drugs Cured many of the infectious diseases of the past.
New problems from overuse. Resistant microbes

9 Life expectancy Life expectancy in U.S. About 47 About 79
born in 1900 About 79 Born in 2010 Degenerative conditions Acute diseases replaced by chronic

10 The Social Causes of Illness and Death

11 Human-Environmental Factors
The environment humans create can pose health risks. Cancer Alley 100 oil refineries btw. Baton Rouge & New Orleans Erin Brokovitch Food deserts

12 Lifestyle factors Smoking Alcohol Drugs Stress Levels Social Isolation
Exercise Diet Diseases of Affluence The Politics of Food Food subsidies Healthy options

13 Factors related to the public health and health care systems
Clean water Effective sewage system Vaccinations

14 Health Care System We spend more than twice as much per person on health care than the average of other industrialized countries Longer life expectancies? Are we asking the right questions?

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