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Vocabulary 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary 11

2 to refer to casually or indirectly
allude to refer to casually or indirectly

3 supernaturally perceptive
clairvoyant supernaturally perceptive

4 final; settles an issue
conclusive final; settles an issue

5 not respectable; not esteemed
disreputable not respectable; not esteemed

6 confined to a particular region or people
endemic confined to a particular region or people

7 serving as a model (example)
exemplary serving as a model (example)

8 to understand; to get to the bottom of OR a measure of depth in water
fathom to understand; to get to the bottom of OR a measure of depth in water

9 treacherous cunning; deceit
guile treacherous cunning; deceit

10 integrity high moral standards

11 itinerary a route of travel

12 misconstrue to interpret wrongly

13 obnoxious highly offensive

14 placate to soothe; pacify

15 placid calm; peaceful

16 using someone else’s writing as your own
plagiarism using someone else’s writing as your own

17 powerful; highly effective
potent powerful; highly effective

18 pretext a false reason

19 protrude to stick out

20 stark harsh; desolate

21 on or near the surface; shallow
superficial on or near the surface; shallow

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