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Creative Writing for RoSA

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1 Creative Writing for RoSA

2 Overview of Question You will be required to compose a piece of creative writing as part of your RoSA examination. You will view an artwork and be asked to write a creative piece based on what you see.

3 Overview of Question The piece is NOT a short story or complete narrative. Instead, it is like a snapshot in time, in the exact moment the picture/painting takes place. You may refer or allude to other events. You could write from the perspective of the subject or an onlooker. You should firstly think about the choices the artist has made and your interpretation of the artwork. Your writing piece should be between 1 – 2 pages.

4 What will you be assessed on?
Language: Your ability to control language and use it skillfully to express your ideas – not how MUCH you use, but HOW you use it. Remember to use language to SHOW rather than TELL – let your audience join the dots. Choose language appropriately. Sustained Writing: Your ability to maintain the mood/tone of the writing piece. Link to the Stimulus: Your ability to make a clear connection to the artwork you have seen.

5 Practice Creative Writing

6 Practice Creative Writing
Questions to think about: When/Where is the moment? How can you capture the setting? What perspective will you write from? What moment will you capture? What mood will you create? Why do characters feel this way? What language will you choose? What will you do to entice your reader to want to know more?

7 Practice Creative Writing
Length: 1 page (typed) or 5/6 paragraphs

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