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The Atlantic World Chapter Four.

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1 The Atlantic World Chapter Four

2 The Age of Exploration What was the Age of Exploration?
A time period when Europeans began to explore the rest of the world How was this possible? Improvements in mapmaking, shipbuilding, rigging, and navigation made long voyages possible Why do European countries explore? Policy of mercantilism drives exploration Finding new trade routes and trading “partners” were paramount

3 What is mercantilism? Policy that stated there was a limited amount of money in the world Each country needed to grab what they can before it is gone Export more than you import in order to create a favorable balance of trade Colonies and markets were needed to keep everything in the system

4 The Explorers Portugal Vasco de Gama Ferdinand Magellan
Landed in India in 1498 Established an important trade route from Europe to India and the East Indies Ferdinand Magellan His crew completed the first circumnavigation of the world in 1525 Magellan was killed in the Philippines

5 Voyage of Vasco de Gama

6 Magellan’s Voyage

7 The Explorers Spain Christopher Columbus
Believed he could reach the Indies faster by traveling west…found North America instead Established the Columbian Exchange A massive exchange of goods, plants, animals and diseases Exchange between New and Old Worlds

8 Columbian Exchange

9 The Struggle over the New World
European countries fought for control of the New World and its natural resources New World provided for opportunities for great wealth Colonizing European powers: France England Spain Portugal


11 Struggle Turns to Conflict
England wanted more land in the New World First defeated the Dutch Dispute over lands in the Ohio Valley led to a war in 1754 This began the Seven Years’ War with France The battle in the New World was known as the French an Indian War


13 The Conquistadors Spain Hernan Cortes in Mexico
Able to defeat the mighty Aztec Empire Used superior weapons, allies, and disease 96% of the Aztec population died from Francisco Pizzaro in Peru Defeated the Incan Empire Ambushed and kidnapped the Incan ruler Received ransom then strangled and killed him anyway

14 Francisco Pizzaro

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