Democracy is…. Define democracy (in your own words)

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1 Democracy is…. Define democracy (in your own words)
By living in the United States, I expect ________________ What do the first 3 paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence tell us about America’s idea of democracy? What does the last phrase of the Gettysburg Address tell us about America’s idea of democracy? Define democracy (in your own words) By living in the United States, I expect ________________ Popular consent, freedom, majority rules, elections (frequent, rules, fair), limited government powers, compromise, equality of opportunity, rule of law, civil society, universal suffrage, protection What do the first 3 paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence tell us about America’s idea of democracy? Right to declare opinions…”they should declare the causes which impel them to the seperation” Equality…. “all men are created equal” “Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness” “consent of the governed” Right to revolution… “right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government” Protect citizens… “safety and happiness” What does the last phrase of the Gettysburg Address tell us about America’s idea of democracy? Of the people, by the people, for the people






7 Chapter 1 Discussion Democracy in America

8 Introduction Americans are apathetic about politics and government.
Politics and government matter. American youth are not likely to be informed about government and politics and rarely participate in politics. Americans are apathetic about politics and government. Politics and government matter. American youth are not likely to be informed about government and politics and rarely participate in politics. Why? Public affairs are not as visible as in the past. So many options that it is easy to avoid politics. Many young people have never known a time when citizens have paid attention to major political events.

9 Introduction

10 Introduction

11 Introduction

12 Government Definition? Functions of government around the world?
The institutions and processes through which public policies are made for society. Functions of government around the world? Governments typically maintain a national defense, provide services, collect taxes, and preserve order. Definition: Government is the institutions and processes through which public policies are made for society. This definition leads to two basic questions: How should we govern? Who should hold the power; how should our democratic system work? What should government do? Will explore the relationship between how government works and what it does Governments typically maintain a national defense, provide services, collect taxes, and preserve order. How does this compare to the essay you wrote last class?

13 Politics Definition? Definition #2
Politics is the process by which we select our governmental leaders and what policies they produce—politics produces authoritative decisions about public issues. Definition #2 Who gets what, when, and how; a process of determining how power and resources are distributed in a society without recourse to violence Definition: Politics is the process by which we select our governmental leaders and what policies they produce—politics produces authoritative decisions about public issues. Definition #2 Who gets what, when, and how; a process of determining how power and resources are distributed in a society without recourse to violence REMEMBER: Government itself is an institution while politics is a process….how we get to making government policy.

14 Democracy Definition? Components of Traditional Democratic Theory:
Democracy is a system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences. Components of Traditional Democratic Theory: Equality in voting Effective participation Enlightened understanding Citizen control of the agenda Inclusion Definition: Democracy is a system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences. Components of Traditional Democratic Theory: Equality in voting- “one person, one vote”. The public has the right to vote for representatives. Suffrage has 5 stages: 1. White landowning, religious males, 2. White males, 3. African Americans, 4. Women, year olds. Effective participation- Citizens must have equal opportunities to express their political views by joining interest groups or political parties. Enlightened understanding- public should have access to and make informed decisions. Difficult today with SO much information. Citizen control of the agenda- government should take up issues of concern to the public. Inclusion- All subject to the laws of a nation should have a chance to be a citizen and possess all rights of citizens. Discuss the importance of majority rule/minority rights.

15 Types of Democracy? Representative Direct

16 Theories of U.S. Democracy
Pluralist Theory A theory of government and policies emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies Groups will work together Public interest will prevail through bargaining and compromise Pluralist Theory A theory of government and policies emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies Groups will work together Possible because power is decentralized so no one has more power than another Public interest will prevail through bargaining and compromise Optimistic view of government. Might even be many’s idea of an ideal government. Increasingly not the case in the U.S. because of limited participation.

17 Theories of U.S. Democracy
2. Elite and Class Theory A theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization Not all groups equal Policies benefit those with money and power 2. Elite and Class Theory A theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization Not all groups equal Policies benefit those with money and power Big business plays a huge role in politics because corporations have money, power, and access to power. Narrow percentage of people favored. Cynical way of looking at the government because the rich rule and others are left out.

18 Theories of U.S. Democracy
3. Hyperpluralism (aka bureaucratic theory) A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. Groups control policy and prevent government from acting Difficulty in coordinating policy implementation Confusing and contradictory policies result from politicians trying to placate every group 3. Hyperpluralism A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. Groups control policy and prevent government from acting Difficulty in coordinating policy implementation Confusing and contradictory policies result from politicians trying to placate every group Hyperpluralism is pluralism gone sour. Term to know is “iron triangle”…interest groups, bureaucracies, and congressional committees. Iron triangles make the policies. As opposed to vertical governing where the people speak directly to their representatives.

19 Taking Sides Defend the importance of high citizen political participation Defend the argument that only politically knowledgeable citizens should participate in politics. Divide the classroom in half and after a few minutes of discussion, develop some “talking points.” Pick one or two spokespersons to represent your views.

20 American Political Culture and Democracy
Political Culture: An overall set of values widely shared within a society. American culture is diverse and comprised of: Liberty Egalitarianism Individualism Laissez-faire Populism Political Culture: An overall set of values widely shared within a society. American culture is diverse and comprised of: Liberty- “give me liberty or give me death” “live free or die” (NH). Freedom of Speech and Religion are fundamental to American life. Egalitarianism- Declaration of Independence…”all men are created equal”. What mean? Equality of OPPORTUNITY and absence of monarchy. Everyone, therefore, has a chance to succeed. Individualism- people can and should get ahead on their own without the help of government. Example: Extremely critical to American history: frontier culture, entrepreneurs, civil war, pilgrims 4. Laissez-faire- American history has a clear tendency to prefer Lassiaz-faire policies. America’s government is relatively smaller than other nations, but increasingly not the case. Look at Hong Kong, for example. (Show Stosell video) Populism- Lincoln. “government of the people, for the people, and by the people.” The average citizen must have the same rights as the elite. Example: Sarah Palin commonly called “populist”

21 “Democracy: Critical Thinking”
Divide into six teams and complete the handout. What is the key lesson from this exercise? DEMOCRACY IS COMPLICATED!

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