Chemistry of plug production

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1 Chemistry of plug production
Neil Bragg Product Development Director Bulrush Horticulture Ltd

2 Issues to consider: Physical size of the plug unit Water quality
Chemical properties of ingredients Practical fertigation Monitoring for quality,

3 Different size of plug units
350’s to 28’s – volume of units Tray Vol mls 350 4.7 230 7.5 40 87.5 28 285

4 Water quality and the issues surrounding:
Most important characteristic: ALKALINITY –degree of temporary hardness, Soft water – rainwater collection – ppm Alkalinity Issues Calcium and Magnesium supplies Medium Hard water ppm Alkalinity May be worth ‘softening’ water via acid injection Choice of acids, Nitric and for lower levels of hardness citric acid Hard water – ppm Alkalinity Acid treatment needed to release Calcium and Magnesium, avoid Increasing pH and hence lock-up of elements such as Iron (Fe).

5 Chemical properties of ingredients:
Ref: Technical monograph: Growing media laboratory methods, ADAS – ISBN: Moving towards new materials we need an understanding of things such as the CEC of materials:

6 Issues of moving away from peat
pH control in relation to spp: Petunia vs Geranium Supply of Calcium and Magnesium Other sources, Gypsum & Epsom salts Leaching potential CP095 Fellowship work Water holding capacity Ease of filling plug trays

7 Feeding to achieve optimal growth:
Koranski – favoured the stages of growth approach For ageratum Stage 1, 2-3 days fertiliser 50ppm Stage 2, 7 days fertiliser 50ppm Stage 3, 14 days fertiliser 150ppm

8 Example taken from Plug and transplant production – Styer & Koranski

9 Issue of achieving the N inputs
Feed containing 150mg/l N How much is actually applied per watering? Might be 5mls – Equivalent to : 0.75 mg N applied??????? Once or twice a week???

10 Monitoring of substrates in plugs
Squeeze tests Saturated paste Lab 2:1 extraction Probes Interpreting values- building the picture

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