Solving Systems of Equations Using Matrices

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Systems of Equations Using Matrices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Systems of Equations Using Matrices
Chapter 4, Section 8 Chapter 3, Section 5

2 Writing Systems as Equations

3 Solving Systems Using Matrices
Step 1: Write the system as a matrix equation. Step 2: Find the inverse of the coefficient matrix. Step 3: Multiply the inverse by the constant matrix. The result is the answer.

4 Example – Solve the system.

5 Example – 3x3 System

6 Classwork Page 26 in workbooks Page 18 in workbooks EXIT SLIP:
Odd numbers Page 18 in workbooks Even numbers EXIT SLIP: Would you rather solve systems using matrices or using the graphing technique? Explain your answer.

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