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Ensuring Reliability June 2013 Paul Beaumont.

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Presentation on theme: "Ensuring Reliability June 2013 Paul Beaumont."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensuring Reliability June 2013 Paul Beaumont

2 Colorimetry

3 [Evaluating experimental procedures p. 50]
Learners should be able to…: identify sources of error in measurements and observations identify and comment on the reliability of results ...

4 Skills of scientific experimentation, investigation and enquiry
Evaluating (p 8) Learners should be able to…: identify sources of error in measurements and observations identify and comment on the reliability of results ...

5 [Laboratory Techniques p. 21]
Use a colorimeter or spectrophotometer to calibrate a known solution and determine an unknown.

6 Colorimetry How ‘good’ is my colorimeter?
Is it equally ‘good’ at all wavelengths? Do all the colorimeters in my department give me the same answer?

7 The Samples

8 The Samples %T LEE Filters – range of filters 71
Neutral density options 50% transmission = 0.30 absorbance [A = 2 - log (%T)] %T 71 50 25 12.5 6.25

9 Beam Direction R = Reference T = Test Set filter to 440 nm
Empty cuvette as blank Zero (R!) colorimeter Measure (T!) & record absorbance Add a ND filter - record absorbance 6. Repeat with extra ND filters 7. Plot data Repeat at 520 nm R = Reference T = Test

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