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Psalm 8 Psalm 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 8 Psalm 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 8 Psalm 8

2 God, our living God, you are amazing!

3 You are higher than I can look,

4 You are wider than I can see.

5 But I can hear you – Listen!

6 We can hear you in the laughter
of a little child,

7 We can hear you in the babbling of a baby.

8 You don’t need words to tell us of your power.

9 Why do you need us at all?

10 We are so small and the world is so big.

11 The stars are so many and space is so enormous.

12 God, our living God, you are amazing!

13 You made everything.  Why do I matter?

14 But we do matter! God cares for us most of all,

15 through us God cares for all the world.
and through us God cares for all the world.

16 You put everything into our care, all the animals

17 all the animals all the animals

18 all the birds,

19 all the fish

20 everything that creeps or flies or runs or swims,

21 even the land and the air and the sea

22 It is all ours to look after.

23 God, our living God, You are amazing!

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