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IFL Unit.

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1 IFL Unit

2 “The Yellow Wallpaper”
DO NOW 5 min. The Passage Silently, Actively Record any words you don’t know, have a question about. Write one question to ask the class: Level 1-fact based Level 2-literary device Level 3-open-ended theme What devices are you noticing? What themes are emerging? Think about where the story is going. Make predictions. 20 min. Q&R Read when called as fluently as possible. Try to hear the character’s voice in your head. Scan ahead for fluency When I stop we will ask a question to the text. Reflection: 10 Min. Write a summary of what we read You may include answers to any questions you wanted to answer.

3 “The Yellow Wallpaper”
DO NOW 5 min. The Passage Silently, Actively Record any words you don’t know, have a question about. Write one question to ask the class: Level 1-fact based Level 2-literary device Level 3-open-ended theme What devices are you noticing? What themes are emerging? Think about where the story is going. Make predictions. Today’s Focus: Choose ONE Diction: Explain how a certain word shaped the tone or characterization Symbolism: Explain how the wallpaper used to symbolize something deeper about the character. Medium: It is clear now what form the story is told in. Why do you think the author uses this method?

4 “The Yellow Wallpaper”
DO NOW 5 min. The Passage Silently, Actively Record any words you don’t know, have a question about. Write one question to ask the class: Level 1-fact based Level 2-literary device Level 3-open-ended theme What devices are you noticing? What themes are emerging? Think about where the story is going. Make predictions. Today’s Focus: Take the Multiple Choice test with a partner! Choose two answers. If ONE of them is right, you get the question right! We will trade and grade 5 min. before the end of class.!

5 “Incident and Blond” DO NOW 5 min. Review the two poems from yesterday. Write a summary for both poems A summary is “what” happened not why. It’s the opposite of a theme. AWWWrite aThink about where the story is going. Make predictions. Pair Work: With your partner think about a symbol from both poems. Discuss: Choose a symbol. When the symbol first appears, what effect does it represent? What effect does symbol have on the work as a whole? Quick Write: Explain how one symbol helps to support the theme of the work as a whole.

6 “Women in the Nineteenth Century”
DO NOW 5 min. Review the poem. Write down Facts Record Interpretation Write a Theme about where the story is going. Make predictions. Silent Reading: Record Big Ideas about women’s lives in the Margins as you read. Indicate where the speaker is talking and where Miranda is talking. Pair Work: With a partner, make a T-chart designating traits about Miranda vs. the Speaker.

7 “Women in the Nineteenth Century”
DO NOW: 5 min. Review the reading from yesterday. Complete the T-Chart on Speaker vs, Miranda w/partner. Share w/Class. Cabout where the story is going. Make predictions. Dialogue work: After viewing the clips, think about the beginning and end of your scene. Begin talking as the characters and record lines that feel natural for your conversation. Record in play format. (See Fences text)

8 “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens”
DO NOW: Read Silently, taking notes in the margins about Alice Walker and her mother. Cabout where the story is going. Make predictions. Respond: What do we learn about Walker and her mother? Cite specific evidence to support your response. Share: With whole group as I call names.

9 “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens”
DO NOW: Partner up and discuss the symbolism of the title. Write responses on daily work… Cabout where the story is going. Make predictions. Respond: What is the symbolism of the title? How does it contribute to Walker’s central argument? Whole group: Read poem in text. Discuss: How does the poem at the end of text shape your understanding of the text.


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