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Becoming Missional We Have a Problem!

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6 Becoming Missional

7 We Have a Problem!

8 Becoming Missional Re-centering Ourselves, not in Church – and its life and activities, but in Christ, and that is a ‘prayer’ idea, for both the pastor and the church, personally and corporately. Resisting Fear. Of losing people. Of preaching truth. Of calling for spiritual disciplines. Revisiting Our Calling – not to preach, but to follow hard after Christ. “You, wait, tarry, be filled with the Spirit; and ‘I’ will build ‘my’ church, and the government of hell will not triumph against it.” Rediscovering God. The strangest thing in the Bible, is God, himself. He is actively creatively. He is persistently redemptive. … He is a missional God!

9 The Praying Church Made Simple!
Increased ways and means of inspiring prayer and developing prayer leaders … to pray, to mobilize prayer. ADD THE OTHER DIMENSIONS OF PRAYER 3 Develop Persistent Personal Prayer 2 Identify Teachable Potential Leaders The Church-wide Prayer Meeting! 1

10 Prayer Experience

11 Peter, do you love (agape) me …. More than these?
Lord Jesus, help me to fall madly in love with you again – not preaching, not pastoring, not ministry, but with you. To follow hard after you. Renew my prayer life – not for greater effectiveness or for results or other noble outcomes, but because I love you and all that you represent. Liberate me from ministry as addiction, from loving the praise and celebrity of it all, and remind me that I am not called to the church – I have been called by you, and to you …. And devotion and loyalty is to you. May I say what Peter could not say, “I AGAPAO You … I love you unconditionally, sacrificially, blindly, boldly, with all my heart and life.

12 “As the Father has sent me, so send I you…”
Help me to be willing to be sent by you. Sent – mission/apostello – open up to me, before me, an open door of apostolic ministry. May I step, boldly, humbly into a ministry, service to you, greater than that of a pastorate, a church – I am asking for you to lead me, in order to lead people, on a journey of impact greater than I may now dream possible. Send me! Use me. Spend me. I repent of holding back – this is a critical hour, the greatest harvest of history is before us … Our nation faces its greatest hinge moment now – don’t let me miss my time!

13 “Tarry, until you are endued, clothed upon, with the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Teach me to live in the ‘go, but wait’ tension. Teach me dependence on the Holy Spirit. May I model a life of prayerful humility before my people. Forgive me when I act in ‘Rambo’ ways – ready to charge the darkness in my own power and energy. Fill me again with your Spirit and power. Fill my church with your Holy Spirit, not in an exotic Pentecostal manner, but with the Power that makes us a ‘witness’ to the life and resurrection of Jesus – that gives us again an irrepressible testimony. May we obey your call to wait, to tarry before you – until we are overflowing with an anointing that changes our church and impacts our city.

14 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the World.
I am asking you God for a global impact – out of my life, out of my congregation. I am asking you for a neighborhood impact – around my church, the homes of neighbors …. FIVE KINDS OF NEIGHBORS Family and family-like friends. Workplace associates Next Door Neighbors ( The Incidental Neighbor - Acquaintances (Shopping circle, drycleaners, salon, etc. [100]) The Accidental Neighbor – Samaritan Road/Bump into/Divine connection? WHERE IS YOUR SAMARIA? Are you going where Jesus would have gone if he lived in your city?

15 As you go, share good news, baptize (induction), make disciples of the nations…
Lord, as I go through the day, make me a ‘good news’ person. Infect me with the gospel … make me an evangelist. May I invite people into your story! I pray for gospel encounters with family, friends, and strangers – make me contagious. I pray for boldness, tethered to gentleness and humility. I pray for radical conversions…. I pray that you will help me, and the church I lead, make disciples … … make disciples of the nations. Reach across the cultural divides and find the lost!

16 “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
Lord, forgive me for doing your part … trying to build the church you have committed to build. Please Lord, build your church! Let me join you in what you are doing around the world. O Lord, do it here, in me, through me, in my city, in this state. Build your church. I pray that I might be about the work of loving you with all my heart. … sharing good news … baptizing … teaching … discipling … joining you on your mission! O God, send a mighty revival to America. O God, awaken the whole land, my state, my city. For your glory!

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