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Haikus, Sonnets, Formatting and Proofreading

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1 Haikus, Sonnets, Formatting and Proofreading

2 Bellwork What is the rhyme scheme of an octave?
What is the rhyme scheme of a sestet? What is a volta? What is the meter of a line of poetry that has three feet of syllables that follow the pattern of unstressed-stressed. Identify the type of figurative language used in this phrase: “I can drown an eye, unused to flow…”

3 Small Groups Have work out on your desk. If you didn’t finish, choose a desk at the back of the class and get to work. (30 seconds) Groups of 3. Compare/Contrast Haiku and Sonnet (5 min) Formats Typical uses/purposes Figurative language

4 Duties Number yourselves off 1 to 3 1: Three Haikus 2: Wright’s Haiku
3: Keats’ Sonnet

5 Haikus Nonlinguistic expression for each haiku (no words, letters, numbers, etc.) Identify the imagery used, the senses it appeals to, and the emotions it stirs. Create a metaphor of how the ideas about nature relate to our lives.

6 Keats’ Sonnet Identify the rhyme scheme, and decide which terms apply to the poem’s two parts. 2 nonlinguistic expressions, one of each of the two parts of the sonnet. Identify the location of the volta. Identify the figurative language, and the images and emotions it evokes.

7 Formatting & MLA Style 12 point, Times New Roman, Double Spaced
Name, date, “McEvoy (block #), Title of Assignment in upper right, single spaced. Margins: 1” top, bottom, left & right Title of Essay: bold and centered Paragraph indent: 0.5”, no extra line spacing

8 Formatting & MLA Style MLA Citations
In-text: “So I’ve killed him” (Dahl 3). Works Cited page End of document Add page break Title page “Works Cited”; centered an bolded Author last name, first name. “Title of Short Story.” Title of Book. Publishing location: Publisher, Year. Hanging indent of 0.5 inches

9 Formatting and MLA Style
Add page numbers “Last name--Page X of Y” File name: Block#_Last name FINAL_SS title Example: 3_McEvoy FINAL_Lamb to the Slaughter Share with me.

10 Proofreading Author and editor will read the same essay simultaneously, one paragraph at a time. Use the following process for proofreading At a low whisper, read every word of every sentence aloud. Clear up an bumps in grammar or punctuation. Read it a second time for capitalization errors. Lastly, make sure there are no instances of homonym confusion For example: your/you’re; there/their/they’re

11 Final Portfolio I want the following stapled in this order: NOTECARDS
Include 1 to 5 rating for each evaluator RUBRIC Evaluate your own essay in pencil and calculate the score On the back, list the students whose essays you reviewed One suggestion for improving the peer review process and/or the use of Google Docs the next time. HARD COPY OF FINAL ESSAY (just in case) SAMPLE ESSAY EVALUATIONS

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