Ethnicity and the diagnosis gap in liver disease: a population-based study by William Alazawi, Rohini Mathur, Kushala Abeysekera, Sally Hull, Kambiz Boomla,

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Presentation on theme: "Ethnicity and the diagnosis gap in liver disease: a population-based study by William Alazawi, Rohini Mathur, Kushala Abeysekera, Sally Hull, Kambiz Boomla,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethnicity and the diagnosis gap in liver disease: a population-based study
by William Alazawi, Rohini Mathur, Kushala Abeysekera, Sally Hull, Kambiz Boomla, John Robson, and Graham R Foster BJGP Volume 64(628):e694-e702 October 27, 2014 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice

2 Venn diagram showing patients with abnormal liver tests and most commonly recorded liver diagnoses.
Venn diagram showing patients with abnormal liver tests and most commonly recorded liver diagnoses. (A+B+C+D) = All adults tested (n = ); Set A = Tested and normal LFTs (n = ). (B+C) = Tested and abnormal LFTs (n = ); Set B = Tested, abnormal LFTs but no diagnosis (n = ); Set C = Tested, abnormal LFTs and liver diagnosis recorded (n = 3687). (C+D+E) = Liver diagnosis recorded; Set D = Tested, normal LFTs and liver diagnosis recorded (n = 4384); Set E = Not tested, liver diagnosis recorded (n =3965). This group of sets is further broken down into the proportions of patients with the common liver diagnoses. ALD = alcoholic liver disease. HBV = hepatitis B virus. HCV = hepatitis C virus. William Alazawi et al. Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e694-e702 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice

3 Prevalence of NAFLD, ALD, HBV and HCV in different ethnic groups within the general population.
William Alazawi et al. Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e694-e702 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice

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