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Data Processing for CDF Computing

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1 Data Processing for CDF Computing
Feb. 23~28, 2009 APCTP-2009 YongPyong, Korea Data Processing for CDF Computing Minho Jeung, Hyunwoo Kim and Kihyeon Cho* ( * Corresponding author April 25, 2019

2 The CDF Collaboration Europe  21 institutions North America
France group, LPNHE/ CNRS-IN2P3&UPMC and ParisVII Universities North America  34 institutions Asia  8 institutions Korea group, KISTI, Chonnam, KNU, SNU, SKKU The CDF Collaboration  15 Countries  63 institutions  635 authors 2

3 Accelerator & CDF performance
Tevatron is the world highest energy accelerator at S=1.96 TeV. CDF will be able to take data until to 2010. Data processing and analysis will be done five more years after that. Data taken 4.1 fb-1 (Nov. 2008) 5~6 fb-1 till by 2009


5 Network between Korea-Fermilab
GLORIAD ESNet Mathis Equation BW: Upper bound of TCP throughput MSS: Max Segment Size RTT: Round Trip Time P: Packet Loss Nov vs. Jan

6 CHEP(Korea) – Fermilab
Nov. 10~24, 2005 (2 weeks) Packet loss is low. RTT is unstable. 2019년 4월 25일

7 Networks between KISTI and abroad (Jan. 2009)
KEK GLORIAD-KR/10Gbps Hong Kong CSTNet-APAN-JP/1Gbps Fermilab Seattle ESnet/10Gbps CERN/ IN2P3 GLORIAD/1Gbps Chicago StarLight/10Gbps KISTI KISTI-Fermilab directly via Seattle (not via Chicago) 2019년 4월 25일

8 KISTI-Fermilab Jan. 6~20, 2009 (2 weeks) Packet loss is zero.
RTT is stable. We avoid Chicago area congestions by direct network from Seattle. 2019년 4월 25일

9 KISTI-CERN Jan. 6~20, 2009 (2 weeks) Packet loss is zero.
RTT is stable. 2019년 4월 25일

10 KISTI-IN2P3 Jan. 6~20, 2009 (2 weeks) Packet loss is zero.
RTT is stable. 2019년 4월 25일

11 CDF Farms around world CAF (2001) DCAF (2003) Grid CAF (2006) CGCC
(2008) UCSD CAF Toronto CAF Rut CAF Lyon CAF Taiwan AS BCN CAF CNAF CAF Korean CAF : KISTI, KNU Japan CAF European CAF Pacific North American Tsukuba U ASGC, Taiwan KISTI KNU 11 11

12 Progress of CDF Farms 12 Name Starting Date Grid middleware
Job scheduling Content Site CAF 2001 - Condor Cluster farm inside Fermilab USA (Fermilab) DCAF 2003 Cluster farm outside Fermilab Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Spain (Varcelona, Cantabria), USA (Rutgers, San Diego), Canada, France Grid CAF 2006 LCG/OSG Resource Broker, Grid farm North America CAF European CAF Pacific CAF CGCC (CDF Grid Computing Center) 2008 LCG Big Grid farm Korea (KISTI) France (IN2p3) Italy (CNAF) 12 12

13 Grid CAF Context Diagram of Grid CAF Grid Farm (European CAF)
Grid Farm (North America CAF) User Interface Grid Farm (Pacific CAF) CAF GUI Grid Site (IPAS_OSG) Grid Site (Taiwan-LCG2 ) Grid Site (KR-KISTI-HEP) Grid Site (JP-TSUKUBA) Grid Site (IPAS_CS) Legend Service Component Grid CAF Boundary Grid Site Boundary Job Transport Grid Pool 13 13

14 The comparison of Grid CAF
Head node Work node Grid Middleware Method VO (Virtual Organization) North America CAF Fermilab (USA) USSD (USA) etc OSG Condor over Globus CDF VO European CAF CNAF (Italia) IN2P3 (France) Etc LCG WMS (Workload Management System) Pacific CAF AS (Taiwan) KISTI (Korea) LCG, OSG 14 14

15 Grid Site (KR-KISTI-HEP) Grid Farm (Pacific CAF)
Pacific CAF at KISTI Service Component Legend Repository Grid CAF Boundary Grid Site Boundary Grid Pool Job Data Transportation Control Data Grid Site (KR-KISTI-HEP) Worker Node (hep015) (hep004) Work Node (hep003) dCache Pool (se-hep) Grid Farm (Pacific CAF) VOMS Authentication Glideins dCache User Interface CafGui CafSubmit CafMon CAF Head Node Submitter Monitor Collector Negotiator Schedd Globus .... Job Submission Web monitoring Job Output Condor CE (hep001) 25 core processors 30 T Byte 15 15

16 Monitoring of Pacific CAF
16 16

17 Monitoring of Pacific CAF
17 17

18 HEP Computing farms in Korea

19 Jobs / CPU time per VO Jobs / VO Jan.-Nov. 2008 CPU time / VO

20 CDF Resource Usage - Total
Ref. Dr. Donatella Lucchesi

21 Offsite Usage – USA & Asia
=> CGCC (CDF Grid Computing Center) Donatella clearly mentioned about KISTI in International Finance Committee Meeting on November ’08. Ref. Prof. DongHee Kim

22 CDF Grid Computing Center (CGCC)
A hardware allocation plan for CGCC Pacific CAF at KISTI CGCC at KISTI Head node New Head node VOMS server New VOMS server Work nodes 25 core processes 400 core processes Storage 30 T byte 300 T byte 22 22

23 Summary Data processing for CDF has been developed from CAF (Central Analysis Farm) to Grid. KISTI is one of leading institutes of CDF data processing.

24 Thank you. (

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