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2 SLEEP 1/3 of our lives are spent sleeping.
Many cultures have been fascinated with sleep and dreams. Many believe the universal truths are to be revealed in dreams. Only recently have researchers began to study sleep.

3 Circadian Cycle (Circa Diem)
“About a Day” The time we spend awake and asleep depends on a 24 hr cycle influenced by the sun. Sleep/Wake cycles change as the days grow shorter and longer with the seasons. Melatonin increases as night comes.

4 Circadian Cycle We do not even know these cycle exist unless they are disrupted. Jet Lag, Day light Savings time.

5 SLEEP WE NEED SLEEP!!!!!! Some people say the never sleep it is a lie. They sleep in intervals of 1-2 seconds or fall asleep and do not know it. When the body is sleep deprived it craves it like food. Nobody is exactly sure why we need sleep.

6 SLEEP Some believe that sleep restores effective functions of the body and brain. S-Factor A chemical which has been isolated from the brains of animals and from human urine, induces sleep when injected into the brain. But there is no evidence that a build up of the s-factor in the body.

7 Scientists study sleep in a sleep lab.
Each state of sleep is marked by a pattern of brain waves, muscular activity, blood pressure and body temperature. Going to Sleep  means losing awareness and failing to respond to a stimulus that would produce a response in the waking state.

8 SLEEP People in this twilight state with their eyes closed often report seeing flashing lights and colors, geometric patterns and visions and landscapes. Sometimes they also experience a floating or falling sensation, followed by a quick jolt back to consciousness.

9 STAGE 1 Stage 1Wavelengths are very low and tight. They look like someone that is awake. But is a slow pulse and side to side movement of the eyes. Only lasts a few minutes. If woken the person may not believe they were even asleep.

10 STAGE 2 & 3 These are deeper sleep brain waves increase in amplitude and become slower. The sleeper is hard to awaken and does not respond to stimuli.

11 STAGE 4 Very slow delta waves. This lasts in minute intervals interspersed throughout the first half of the night. This decreases as morning comes. After about minutes the person ascends from stage 4 sleep to stage 1 sleep.

12 REM SLEEP Rapid Eye Movement also called paradoxical sleep.
The mind works like a conscious state however the body cannot move. The body’s voluntary muscles are essentially paralyzed. This makes REM Sleep safer for us. The sequence of sleep stages repeats itself all night long from Stage 1 – REM to Stage 4 and back again.

13 SLEEP Sleep patterns and characteristics change for everyone and as we pass through ages.

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