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Sudocodes Fast measurement and reconstruction of sparse signals

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1 Sudocodes Fast measurement and reconstruction of sparse signals
Shriram Sarvotham Dror Baron Richard Baraniuk ECE Department Rice University Came out of my personal experience with 301 – fourier analysis and linear systems

2 Motivation: coding of sparse data
Streaming in CDNs, distributed storage systems Delivery of content that has sparse representation E.g. thresholded DCT/wavelet coefficients in JPEG/JPEG2000 Distributed coding of sparse data

3 Sparse signal Acquisition
Consider that contains only non-zero coefficients Are there efficient ways to measure and recover ? Traditional DSP approach: Acquisition: obtain measurements Sparsity is exploited only in the processing stage New Compressed Sensing (CS) approach: Acquisition: obtain just measurements Sparsity is exploited during signal acquisition [Candes et al; Donoho]

4 Compressive Sampling Signal is -sparse in basis/dictionary
WLOG assume sparsity in space domain Measure signal via few linear projections sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

5 Compressive Sampling Signal is -sparse in basis/dictionary
WLOG assume sparsity in space domain Measure signal via few linear projections Random Gaussian measurements will work! sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

6 CS Miracle: L1 reconstruction
Find the solution with smallest L1 norm [Candes et al; Donoho] If then perfect reconstruction w/ high probability sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

7 CS Miracle: L1 reconstruction
Performance Efficient encoding, and Polynomial complexity reconstruction sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

8 CS Miracle: L1 reconstruction
But… is still impractical for many applications Reconstruction times: N=1,000 t=10 seconds N=10,000 t=3 hours N=100,000 t=~months sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

9 Why is reconstruction expensive?
sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

10 Why is reconstruction expensive?
Culprit: dense, unstructured sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

11 Fast CS reconstruction
Sudocode matrix (sparse) Only 0/1 in Each row of contains randomly placed 1’s sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

12 Fast CS reconstruction
Sudocode performance Efficient encoding Sublinear complexity reconstruction Encouraging numerical results N=100,000 K=1,000  t=5.47 seconds M=5,132 sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

13 Signal model Signal is strictly sparse sparse signal measurements
nonzero entries

14 Signal model Signal is strictly sparse
Every nonzero ~ continuous distribution  each nonzero coefficients is unique almost surely sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

15 Sudocode reconstruction
Process each in succession Each can recover some ‘’s sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

16 Sudocode reconstruction
Like sudoku puzzles! sparse signal measurements nonzero entries

17 Case 1: Zero measurement

18 Case 1: Zero measurement
Resolves all coefficients in the support Can resolve up to coefficients

19 Case 1: Zero measurement
Resolves all coefficients in the support Can resolve up to coefficients Reduces size of problem

20 Case 2: #(support set)=1

21 Case 2: #(support set)=1 Trivially resolves

22 Case 2: #(support set)=1 Trivially resolves

23 Case 3: Matching measurements

24 Case 3: Matching measurements
Matches originate from same support Disjoint support  coefficients = 0 Common support  contain nonzeros Common support

25 Case 3: Matching measurements
Matches originate from same support Disjoint support  coefficients = 0 Common support  contain nonzeros

26 Trigger of revelations
Recovery of can trigger more revelations

27 Trigger of revelations
Recovery of can trigger more revelations An avalanche of coefficient revelations

28 Trigger of revelations
Recovery of can trigger more revelations An avalanche of coefficient revelations

29 Auxiliary data structures
Bottleneck: search for matches With Binary Search Tree, matches ~ Re-explain measurements: more data structures Search for matches

30 Design of Sudo measurement matrix
Choice of L Set L based on For large N,

31 Number of measurements
Theorem: With , decoder requires to exactly reconstruct coefficients Proof sketch:

32 Choice of L K=0.02N For a given choice of N and K

33 Choice of L Numerical evidence also suggests L = O(N/K)

34 Related work [Cormode, Muthukrishnan]
CS scheme based on group testing Complexity [Gilbert et. al.] Chaining Pursuit CS scheme based on group testing and iterating Works best for super-sparse signals

35 Performance comparison
Chaining Pursuit Sudocodes N=10,000 K=10 M=5,915 t=0.16 sec M=461 t=0.14 sec K=100 M=90,013 t=2.43 sec M=803 t=0.37 sec N=100,000 M=17,398 t=1.13 sec M=931 t=1.09 sec K=1000 M>106 t>30 sec M=5,132 t=5.47 sec

36 Sudocode applications
Erasure codes in p2p and distributed file storage Stream compressed digital content Thresholded DCT/wavelet coefficients for sudocoding Partial reconstruction of signals (e.g. detection)

37 Ongoing work Statistical dependencies between non-zero coefficients
Adaptive linear projections Noisy measurements

38 Erasure coding

39 Conclusions Sudocodes for CS Key idea: use sparse
highly efficient low complexity Key idea: use sparse Applications to erasure codes, P2P networks






45 Number of measurements
Theorem: With , phase 1 requires to exactly reconstruct coefficients Proof sketch:

46 Two phase decoding is not measured Phase 1: decode coefficients
Phase 2: decode remaining coefficients Why? When most coefficients are decoded, Phase 2 saves a factor of measurements

47 Phase 2 measurements and decoding
is non-sparse of dimension

48 Phase 2 measurements and decoding
is non-sparse of dimension Resolve remaining coefficients by inverting the sub-matrix of

49 Phase 2 measurements and decoding
is non-sparse of dimension Resolve remaining coefficients by inverting the sub-matrix of Phase 2 complexity = Key: choose Phase 2 complexity is

50 Compressive Sampling Signal is -sparse in basis/dictionary
WLOG assume sparsity in space domain Measure signal via few linear projections Random sparse measurements will work! sparse signal measurements nonzero entries


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