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Presentation on theme: "POWER POINT PRESENTATION ON OXIDATION NUMBERS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Redox Chemistry Redox means reduction-oxidation reactions.
Reduction - when an atom gains electrons (thereby “reducing” the oxidation number of that element). Oxidation - when an atom loses electrons (thereby increasing the oxidation number of that element).

3 OIL RIG O - Oxidation I - Is L - Losing electrons R - Reduction I - Is
G - Gaining electrons


5 What are Oxidation Numbers?
Oxidation Numbers are the charges that an atom or ion has or “appears” to have. Example: H2O Each H has a +1 and the O has a -2 Total = 2 (+1) = zero charge on the molecule


7 RULES FOR OXIDATION 1. The oxidation # of a free element is zero.
Example: Na0, C0, He0, O20, Cl20 Note that some elements are naturally diatomic.

8 RULES FOR OXIDATION 2. The oxidation # of a simple ion is its charge.
Cl-1 is O-2 is Na+1 is +1

9 RULES FOR OXIDATION 3. Group 1 metals found in compounds have an oxidation # of Example: in NaCl the Na is +1 (Na+1Cl -1) Group 2 metals found in compounds have an oxidation # of Example: in MgO the Mg is +2 (Mg+2O-2)

10 RULES FOR OXIDATION 4. Hydrogen, found in compounds, will have an oxidation # of +1, except when combined with metals to form metal hydrides; then their oxidation # is -1. Examples: H2O the H is +1 (H+12O -2) HF the H is +1 (H+1F -1) NaH the H is -1 (Na+1H -1)

11 RULES FOR OXIDATION 5. Oxygen, found in compounds, will have an oxidation # of -2, except in peroxides like H2O2 , where it is -1 or when combined with fluorine where it is +2. Examples: H2O the O is -2 (H+12O-2) H2O2 the O is -1 (H+12O-12) OF2 the O is +2 (O+2F-12) (Side Rule-NOTE:) F is ALWAYS -1

12 RULES FOR OXIDATION 6. In molecular or ionic compounds, the sum of the oxidation #s must equal zero. Examples: H2O => 2 H+1 and 1 O -2 = (H+12O-2) NaF => 1 Na+1 and 1 F -1 = (Na+1F-1)

13 RULES FOR OXIDATION Example: Sulfuric Acid => H2SO4
2 H+1 = +2 (see rule #4) 4 O -2 = (see rule #5) therefore S must be +6 so that the sum of this molecule’s oxidation #s = zero. (H+12S +6O-24) 2 ( +1) + ( +6) + 4 ( -2) = 0

14 RULES FOR OXIDATION 7. In polyatomic ions, the sum of the oxidation #s equals the charge on the ion. Example: Ammonium ion => NH4+1 the H must be +1 (see rule #4) 4 H+1 = +4 The total charge of this ion is Therefore N must have a charge of -3. 4 ( +1) + ( -3) = +1

15 RULES FOR OXIDATION Example: Phosphate ion => PO4-3
the O must be -2 (see rule #5) 4 O-2 = -8. The total charge of this ion is therefore P must have a charge of +5. ( +5) ( -2) = -3

16 OXIDATION NUMBERS Now you try some…
Find the oxidation #s of all the elements in the following substances: H2CO3 Na2CO3 Mg(OH)2 PO NO2-1

17 OXIDATION NUMBERS Answers... H+1 2C+4 O-2 3 Na +1 2C +4 O -2 3
Mg +2(O -2 H +1 ) 2 Note (+2) + 2(-1) = 0 (P +5O -2 4) Note (+5) + 4(-2) = -3 (N +3O -2 2) Note (+3) + 2(-2) = -1

18 OXIDATION NUMBERS That’s all folks….


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