Week Two August 15-19, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Week Two August 15-19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week Two August 15-19, 2016

2 August 15, Welcome Back!! Dear Mrs. Burke’s SCHOLARs, I missed you guys over the weekend! I hope you are ready to get back into things! Today, we are going to be reading a famous story that most middle schoolers read - it’s one of those things middle school kids do and we don’t want to miss it. Copy down the SWBT in your agenda! SWBAT 1) I can think about what it is like to be 11. (Rl6.10) 2) I can make predictions about and read Sandra Cisneros story “Eleven.” (RL6.10)

3 What Do You Think “Eleven is Going to Be About?
On your sheet, list everything that comes to mind when you think about being eleven. What was it like to turn eleven. Think about new experiences, feelings, expectations, responsibilities, etc. If you need to draw more lines, you may do so. You have four minutes to write! Now, look at the pictures on your sheet and make predictions about how they contribute to development of the story.

4 “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros
I am so excited to read this story with you! Sit back, open your story, listen, and enjoy! As you read, think about what the character must be thinking and feeling. What would you be thinking and feeling? What does it mean to be 11 to the author? After we read, go back and answer your predictions!

5 Now, Let’s Read it A Second Time!
Now we are going to listen to the story again! As we read, go back and look at your initial predictions. Fill in the correct answers. Also, write down any words you don’t know or things that seem confusing. Good readers have a reason for reading and take notes as they read.

6 Time to Say Goodbye for Today!
Think back on today’s objectives. How do you feel about them? Did you achieve those goals? 1) I can think about what it is like to be 11. (Rl6.10) 2) I can make predictions about and read Sandra Cisneros story “Eleven.” (RL6.10) Answer this question on your entrance/exit slip and than when I call you to line up, bring it with you!

7 Reflection Stems - Pick one and answer how you feel about what you learned today in class!
Today I learned…. I got stuck… I was successful in… I got confused when… I was wondering about… A missed opportunity was when… If I could do something over, I would… I feel really good about...

8 August 17, 2016 - Tuesday Dear Mrs. Burke’s SCHOLARs,
So glad you are here! You have been in school for one week! Come on in and get started on copying the SWBT in your agenda. 1) I can use textual evidence to summarize the plot of “Eleven” using the the “Somebody-wanted-but-so strategy. (RL6.2)

9 Somebody-Wanted-But-So
Today, I am going to teach you a trick to summarizing! What does it mean to summarize? A good way to summarize a story is the strategy “somebody-wanted-but-so. For example: “Cinderella wanted to go to the ball, but her evil stepmother wouldn’t allow her to go, so her fairy godmother showed up and used magic to give her a dress, shoes, and a carriage so she could go. Then…she met the Prince, they fell in love, and lived happily ever after.”

10 Now Try It Together! Use quotes from the “Eleven” to fill out the main event graphic organizer. Then, fill out, the for somebody-wanted-but-so. Graphic organizer. You make work with your elbow partner. You have 30 minutes.

11 Now Try It Yourself! Using your notes, write a tweet telling us a summary of what the story “Eleven” is about. Remember, a tweet is only 140 characters long! We will post it on the door on our way out! Imagine the door as our giant phone to tweet on.

12 Time to Say Goodbye for Today!
Think back on today’s objectives. How do you feel about them? Did you achieve those goals? 1) I can use textual evidence to summarize the plot of “Eleven” using the “somebody-wanted-but-so strategy. (RL6.2) Answer this question on your entrance/exit slip and than when I call you to line up, bring it with you!

13 Reflection Stems - Pick one and answer how you feel about what you learned today in class!
Today I learned…. I got stuck… I was successful in… I got confused when… I was wondering about… A missed opportunity was when… If I could do something over, I would… I feel really good about...

14 August 17, 2016 - Wednesday - Halfway Through the Week!
Dear Mrs. Burke’s SCHOLARs, So glad you are here! You have been in school for one week! Come on in and copy down the SWBT in your agenda! I can use textual evidence to analyze the characters in the story and explain how they impact the plot (RL6.1, RL6.3).

15 What Are Character Traits?!
Does anyone know what a character trait is and how readers determine what a character trait is? Take a look at this video to help! There are two ways authors develop characters in a story: DIrect Characterization - The author tells you directly about the character Indirect Characterization - You must make an inference and use clues to discover what the character is like. You use evidence from the text.

16 STEAL - How Do Authors Develop Characters?
Indirect Characterization Trick You can analyze a character by thinking about what they: Say Use quotes from the story to Think analyze Rachel in the story! Effect on others You may work with your Actions partner! Looks

17 Time to Say Goodbye for Today!
Think back on today’s objectives. How do you feel about them? Did you achieve those goals? I can use textual evidence to analyze the characters in the story and explain how they impact the plot (RL6.1, RL6.3). Answer this question on your entrance/exit slip and than when I call you to line up, bring it with you!

18 Reflection Stems - Pick one and answer how you feel about what you learned today in class!
Today I learned…. I got stuck… I was successful in… I got confused when… I was wondering about… A missed opportunity was when… If I could do something over, I would… I feel really good about...

19 August 19, 2016 - It’s Thursday!! Dear Mrs. Burke’s SCHOLARs,
We are almost done with the week! Come on in and copy down the SWBT in your agenda! SWBAT: I can analyze the story “Eleven.” (RL6.3)

20 Short Answer Time!! How many of you guys have had to write short answers before? They don’t have to be terrible and cause you to groan, instead follow this trick to help you. Restate the question asked Answer (main idea) Cite evidence from the text Explain and Elaborate on your answer and the evidence Using this strategy, use the story “Eleven” to answer this short answer prompt. What is a character trait that can be used to describe Rachel? When you finish, move onto the comprehension questions!

21 Reflection Stems - Pick one and answer how you feel about what you learned today in class!
Today I learned…. I got stuck… I was successful in… I got confused when… I was wondering about… A missed opportunity was when… If I could do something over, I would… I feel really good about...

22 August 19, 2016 - It’s Friday!! Dear Mrs. Burke’s SCHOLARs,
Happy weekend! I am sad I will not see you for two days! The first thing I want to do is for You to copy down the SWBT. SWBAT: I can identify the significance of the key events in Eleven. I can define my new vocabulary words.

23 Homework for the Week - Due Next Friday
Next Friday, remember to turn in: Your reading log Your vocabulary packet (#2) Study for your vocabulary quiz

24 Time to Say Goodbye for Today!
Think back on today’s objectives. How do you feel about them? Did you achieve those goals? I can identify and explain the significance of events in Eleven. I can define my new vocabulary words. Answer this question on your entrance/exit slip and than when I call you to line up, bring it with you!

25 Reflection Stems - Pick one and answer how you feel about what you learned today in class!
Today I learned…. I got stuck… I was successful in… I got confused when… I was wondering about… A missed opportunity was when… If I could do something over, I would… I feel really good about...

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