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Chapter 10. Mass Transport and Biochemical Interactions

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1 Chapter 10. Mass Transport and Biochemical Interactions
BMOLE Biomolecular Engineering Engineering in the Life Sciences Era BMOLE – Transport Chapter 10. Mass Transport and Biochemical Interactions Text Book: Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems Authors: Truskey, Yuan, Katz Focus on what is presented in class and problems… Dr. Corey J. Bishop Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Principal Investigator of the Pharmacoengineering Laboratory: Dwight Look College of Engineering Texas A&M University Emerging Technologies BuildingΒ Room 5016 College Station, TX Β© Prof. Anthony Guiseppi-Elie; T: F:

2 Reaction mechanisms Generally, Rates = constant * (reactants or products) If disappearing or appearing dictates the sign Reaction orders of individual reactants or products (a +b +c) = overall reaction order 𝑹=π’”π’Šπ’ˆπ’ βˆ—π’Œ π‘ͺ 𝑨 𝒂 π‘ͺ 𝑩 𝒃 π‘ͺ π‘ͺ 𝒄 Is k actually a constant? What affects k the most? Arrhenius equation π’Œ=𝑨 𝒆 βˆ’ 𝑬 𝒂 𝑲 𝑩 𝑻 Ea = energy of activation (Joules) A = a constant for each chemical reaction defining the frequency of collisions in correct orientation Units of exponent? Units of k? How do you know the units of k?

3 An equation for the general half-life of any nth order differential equation
𝐴+…+𝐴→𝐡 π‘Žπ‘‘ π‘Ž π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’ π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘œπ‘“ π‘˜ 𝐴 β€² = βˆ’π‘˜π΄ 𝑛 𝐴 β€² = βˆ’π‘˜π΄ 𝑛 = 𝑑𝐴 𝑑𝑑 βˆ’π‘˜π‘‘π‘‘= 1 𝐴 𝑛 𝑑𝐴 βˆ’π‘˜π‘‘π‘‘ = 𝐴 𝑛 𝑑𝐴 βˆ’π‘˜π‘‘+𝑐 = 𝐴 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’π‘˜π‘‘= 𝐴 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’ 𝐴 π‘œ βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’ βˆ’π‘›+1 π‘˜π‘‘= 𝐴 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’ 𝐴 π‘œ βˆ’π‘›+1 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘˜π‘‘=( 0.5 𝐴 π‘œ ) βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’ 𝐴 π‘œ βˆ’π‘›+1 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘˜π‘‘= 0.5 βˆ’π‘›+1 𝐴 π‘œ βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’ 𝐴 π‘œ βˆ’π‘›+1 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝑑 =( 0.5 βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’1) 𝐴 π‘œ βˆ’π‘›+1 𝑑 = βˆ’π‘›+1 βˆ’1 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ π‘›βˆ’1 𝑑 = 2 π‘›βˆ’1 βˆ’1 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ π‘›βˆ’1

4 Examples π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑛=0; 𝑑 = 2 0βˆ’1 βˆ’1 0βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ 0βˆ’1 = 2 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ For n=1 Because: 𝑑 𝑏 𝑒 𝑑π‘₯ = 𝑏 𝑒 ln 𝑏 𝑑𝑒 𝑑π‘₯ We can say that: 𝑑 = 2 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘›βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ 1βˆ’1 𝑑 = 2 1βˆ’1 ln 2 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ 1βˆ’1 𝑑 = ln⁑(2) π‘˜ π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑛=1; 𝑙 β€² π»π‘œπ‘π‘–π‘‘π‘Ž 𝑙 β€² 𝑠 π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘™π‘’: 𝑑 = 𝑙𝑛 2 π‘˜ π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑛=2; 𝑑 = 2 2βˆ’1 βˆ’1 2βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ 2βˆ’1 = 1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑛=3; 𝑑 = 2 3βˆ’1 βˆ’1 3βˆ’1 π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ 3βˆ’1 = 3 2π‘˜ 𝐴 π‘œ 2

5 Matrix Math for Chemical Reactions
Chapter 2 Multi-Step Reactions: The methods for Analytical Solving the Direct Problem The following slides are based on this chapter cited below…

6 Short-hand

7 Another example:

8 How to solve concentrations as a function of time using eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Av- Ξ»v=0 v(A- Ξ»?)=0… not mathematically possible v(A- Ξ»I)=0 Solve for Ξ» and then using Av= Ξ»v solve for eigenvectors Remember they are scalable and translatable and usually they are normalized to have a magnitude of 1 and translated to the origin

9 Matrix diagonalization
A = PDP-1 P = eigenvector matrix D = diagonalization of Eigenvalues via Identity Matrix i.e., k= xΞ›x-1 So Multiple by dt Separate variables properly integrate Matrix diagonalization…

10 Given: K = [1 -1; 2 4]; what is D and V
Caclulate compartments CA(t) and CB(t) using: You should know though that to make sense there should be rate constants (and/or numbers) in the matrix K but for Simplicity to show the math process K is a function of numbers only here Be able to get to this end stage from knowing a compartmental scheme… i.e., I want you to be able to know every step for a simple 2x2 matrix (use numbers instead of ks, however) to get to C(t). I do want you to solve the rate matrix using a scheme such as the one shown…

11 [V,D]=eig(A); V = 3x3 and D = a diagonal 3x3 with eigenvalues on diag.
A = randn(3,3); [V,D]=eig(A); V = 3x3 and D = a diagonal 3x3 with eigenvalues on diag. A*V = V*D and A*V(:,1)=V(:,1)*D(1,1) If A = symmetric then there are 3 eigenvalues (not necessarily distinct) and 3 orthogonal eigenvectors… How to from A calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors. To do manually: Ex: from A= [3 0 0; 0 3 0; 0 0 3] or any A… making it simple for example… A-lambda*I = 0; solve for lambdas; each root is a lambda i.e., (Ξ»-3)*(Ξ»-3)*(Ξ»-3)=0 Then solve for V1 by A*V(:,1)=V(:,1)*D(1,1) Then solve for V2 by A*V(:,2)=V(:,2)*D(2,2) Then solve for V3 by A*V(:,3)=V(:,3)*D(3,3); Now let’s convince ourselves:

12 Is this equal to exp(V. D. m. inv(D))Co in matlab
Is this equal to exp(V*D*m*inv(D))Co in matlab? Is this equal to Coexp(Kt)? Matlab won’t let you use symbolic math with t; reserved for other things… MatLab has a hard time simplifying: V*exp(D*t)*inv(V)*Co

13 Clc k*C = dC/dt syms k1, k2, k3, k4 k*dt = 1/C dC
exp(kt)+constant = C(t) exp(kt)*constant=C(t) syms k1, k2, k3, k4 How do you solve for V and D manually from K?

14 Another example: Multiple by dt Separate variables properly integrate

15 Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD)

16 Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD)

17 Common variables for PK/PD
Cp=plasma concentration of drug DB, D0=drug amount in body, initial drug concentration Cl, ClR, ClH, ClT , ClNR=clearance, renal clearance, hepatic, total body, non-renal VD= volume distribution of drug R = rate of infusion into systemic circulation k, km, ke, ka=degradation rate, metabolism rate, excretion rate, absorption rate AUC = area under the curve (Cp(t)) F= bioavailability Du= drug amount in urine Ab = absorption

18 PK Volume of dist. (Vd)? ko k ClHepatic, renal, total Do/Cp Cl/Vd
krenal Clrenal/Vd kmetabolism+krenal+khepatic ClHepatic, renal, total Clearances also sum Cltotal = Clrenal + Clnon-renal

19 Cp as a function of clearance, volume of distribution, and initial drug amount
𝒅 π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝒅𝒕 =βˆ’π’Œ π‘ͺ 𝒑 π‘ͺ 𝒑 = π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝒐 𝒆 βˆ’π’Œπ’• π‘ͺ 𝒑 = 𝑫 𝒐 𝑽 𝒅 𝒆 βˆ’ π‘ͺ𝒍 𝑽 𝒅 𝒕

20 Vd as a function of k, the initial drug amount, and the AUC (Cp vs t)
𝒅 𝑫 𝑩 𝒅𝒕 =βˆ’π’Œ π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝑽 𝒅 𝒅 𝑫 𝑩 =βˆ’π’Œ π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝑽 𝒅 𝒅𝒕 𝟎 𝑫 𝒐 𝒅 𝑫 𝑩 = 𝟎 ∞ βˆ’π’Œ π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝑽 𝒅 𝒅𝒕 𝑫 𝒐 =π’Œ 𝑽 𝒅 𝑨𝑼π‘ͺ 𝒐 ∞ 𝑫 𝒐 𝑽 𝒅 = π‘ͺ 𝒑 =π’Œ 𝑨𝑼π‘ͺ 𝒐 ∞ 𝑽 𝒅 = 𝑫 𝒐 π’Œ 𝑨𝑼π‘ͺ 𝒐 ∞ Including Bioavailability: F*Do

21 Of Kidneys and urine…

22 Endeavoring to use easy-access variables to characterize clearance for a patient (to cater drug regimen) or drug for healthy patients 𝒅 𝑫 π‘¬π’π’Šπ’Žπ’Šπ’π’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’ 𝒅𝒕 =π’Œ 𝑫 𝑩 =π’Œ π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝑽 𝒅 = π‘ͺ 𝒑 π‘ͺ𝒍 𝟎 𝑫 π‘¬π’π’Šπ’Žπ’Šπ’π’‚π’•π’†π’… 𝒅 𝑫 π‘¬π’π’Šπ’Žπ’Šπ’π’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’ = 𝟎 ∞ π‘ͺ 𝒑 π‘ͺ𝒍 𝒅𝒕 𝑫 π‘¬π’π’Šπ’Žπ’Šπ’π’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’ =π‘ͺ𝒍 𝑨𝑼π‘ͺ 𝒐 ∞ 𝑫 𝑹𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒍 =π‘ͺ 𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝑼π‘ͺ 𝒐 ∞ Total: Sub-portion:

23 A useful, non-invasive way to quantify Clrenal
π‘ͺ 𝒑 π‘ͺ 𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒍 = 𝑸 𝒖 π‘ͺ 𝒖 𝑫 𝒖 ∞ = 𝑫 𝒐 π’Œ 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒍 π’Œ

24 GI or Dermal How many exponentials are describing this Cp(t) profile? How many compartments are here? Is this for dermal or GI delivery? How would this be modified if it were IV? How does the first-pass effect come into play? ON BOARD LAPLACE EXAMPLE…

25 Infusion pumps π‘ͺ π’”π’•π’†π’‚π’…π’š 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 = π‘°π’π’‡π’–π’”π’Šπ’π’ 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑽 𝒅 π’Œ=π‘ͺ𝒍
π‘ͺ π’”π’•π’†π’‚π’…π’š 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 = π‘°π’π’‡π’–π’”π’Šπ’π’ 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑽 𝒅 π’Œ=π‘ͺ𝒍 π‘ͺ 𝒑 = π‘ͺ π’”π’•π’†π’‚π’…π’š 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 = π‘°π’π’‡π’–π’”π’Šπ’π’ 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑽 𝒅 π’Œ=π‘ͺ𝒍 1βˆ’ 𝒆 βˆ’π’Œπ’• 𝒅 𝑫 𝑩 𝒅𝒕 =π‘°π’π’‡π’–π’”π’Šπ’π’ π‘Ήπ’‚π’•π’†βˆ’π’Œ 𝑫 𝑩 =π‘ͺ 𝒑 𝑽 𝒅 )

26 Example of quantifying kinetics from my own research



29 Use: kcell, kne, kni, kbd equal to 7.5e-4, 0.72, 1.1, and 1.8 hr-1
P = plasmid # (note that volume is not taken into account); simply # of plasmids in a given compartment at any given time t. Use: kcell, kne, kni, kbd equal to 7.5e-4, 0.72, 1.1, and 1.8 hr-1 kdeg1 and kdeg2 equal to 0.62 And hr-1 Where A+B at t=2 hours is total plasmid # in cell. i.e., plasmids Why 2 degradation rates of plasmids (polyplex context)?

30 Use: kcell, kne, kni, kbd equal to 7.5e-4, 0.72, 1.1, and 1.8 hr-1
P = plasmid # (note that volume is not taken into account); simply # of plasmids in a given compartment at any given time t. Use: kcell, kne, kni, kbd equal to 7.5e-4, 0.72, 1.1, and 1.8 hr-1 kdeg1 and kdeg2 equal to 0.62 And hr-1 Where A+B at t=2 hours is total plasmid # in cell. i.e., plasmids Why 2 degradation rates of plasmids (polyplex context)? What is the rate limiting step? Why is it what it is and not perhaps the expected nuclear uptake step? Why a Heaviside step function (HSSF)? Be able to do this

31 Use: kcell, kne, kni, kbd equal to 7.5e-4, 0.72, 1.1, and 1.8 hr-1
P = plasmid # (note that volume is not taken into account); simply # of plasmids in a given compartment at any given time t. Use: kcell, kne, kni, kbd equal to 7.5e-4, 0.72, 1.1, and 1.8 hr-1 kdeg1 and kdeg2 equal to 0.62 And hr-1 Where A+B at t=2 hours is total plasmid # in cell. i.e., plasmids Why 2 degradation rates of plasmids (polyplex context)? What is the rate limiting step? Why is it what it is and not perhaps the expected nuclear uptake step? Why a Heaviside step function (HSSF)? Be able to do this Be able to do this Apply Laplace to solve… How would you do this? How would you deal with the HSSF without Taking the laplace of the HSSF.


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