5/5 & 5/6- 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about worms

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Presentation on theme: "5/5 & 5/6- 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about worms"— Presentation transcript:

1 5/5 & 5/6- 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about worms
Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p Chap 8 Test Earthworm Lab Video: Walking w/ Dinosaurs Textbook Reading: HW: Review & Reinforce p.107 & 110

2 Reflection Prompt: Write 3 facts that you know about the dinosaurs.

3 What are the six kingdoms of living things?

4 Animals

5 4 Characteristics of animals
Many celled organisms Obtain their food by eating other organisms Reproduce sexually Move from place to place

6 Animal cells are grouped together to form a T_______ which has a specific job in the body.

7 Tissues combine to form an O______ which performs a more complex job than each tissue by itself

8 Organs combine to form an O______ S________

9 Is Venus Flytrap an animal?
No. It uses photosynthesis to make its own food. Trapping and digesting insect just supplements its diet. Venus fly trap is a autotroph Animals are heterotroph

10 The process by which a new organism forms from the joining of two sex cells is called S_______ R_______ exual eproduction

11 An animal that does not have a backbone is called an i__________.
nvertebrate Most animal species (95%) are invertebrates Can you name some invertebrates? Jellyfishes, worms, snails, crabs, spiders & insects

12 An animal that has a backbone is called a V__________.
ertebrate Can you name some vertebrates? Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

13 Classification of Animals
Vertebrates Invertebrates 35 Major Groups called a Phylum

14 All animals arose from a S______ C_____ ancestors.
ingle elled

15 Are Sharks vertebrates?
Yes Although they have cartilages instead of bones, they have a skeleton and a backbone

16 Sea anemone and many circular animals exhibit R______ S_______
adial ymmetry What are some characteristics of Radial Symmetry Animals? Do not have distinct front or back ends Lives in the ocean Senses their environment in all directions

17 The balanced arrangement of a butterfly’s body is called B_______ S________
ilateral ymmetry What are some characteristics of Bilateral Symmetry Animals? Larger & More complex than radial symmetry animals Moves more quickly Sense organ in the front

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