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JAMES COOK (1728-1779).

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2 Cook’s life James Cook was born on november 1728.
He was British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy Cook made 3 voyages to the Pacific ocean He drew first charts of Newfoundland,Australia and New Zeland He was first to dicover east coast of Australia He was kiled on the Hawai island on February 1779.

3 Early life He was born on 7. November 1728. in Yorkshire
Cook was working on a farm He moved to the fishing village when he was 16 He met some ship-owners and he was taken as a merchant navy apprentice in their small fleet James wanted to command his own ship one day so he applied to the navy school

4 He was participating in Seven Years War as a mate on navy merchant ship
He was famous for his maping in the war

5 First voyage( ) On 25 May 1768 Cook was ordered to command scientific voyage to determine distance of the Sun The expedition sailed aboard HMS Endeavour When he finished main task he decided to search the south Pacific Cook discovered eastern coastline of Australia

6 Second voyage ( ) Year after his return he was sent on another scientific expedition Cook commanded HMS Resolution On second voyage he was one of the first to cross Antarctict circle Cook returned to New Zeland and then made his final sweep across the South Atlantic Before returning to England

7 Third voyage( ) Main goal of this expedition was to locate Nortwest passage He explored west coast of North America He also maped the coast He was getting sick Cook returned to Hawai They fought a Hawaian tribe and Cook was killed on 14. February 1779

8 Done by: Damjan Pavlovic

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