COMENIUS, Istanbul, March 2013 Hana Moraova

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1 COMENIUS, Istanbul, March 2013 Hana Moraova
Task based learning COMENIUS, Istanbul, March 2013 Hana Moraova

2 Outline Problems of school curricula Why task based learning
Task based learning in teaching practice Selection of a good topic for task based learning Overcoming language obstacles Helping pupils to be successful in project work and its presentation Assessment of task based learning

3 Some problems of school curricula
The hidden curriculum – What do we teach children (The social constructedness of curricula) Compete rather than cooperate Memorize and recollect isolated facts, that is the highest intellectual achievement, collection of unrelated facts is the goal of education Respect adult authority Your own ideas are inconsequential Passively accept somebody else’s ideas Remember some subjects are more important than other It is less important to help the rest, get on yourself Product is more important than process, the finishing tape matters

4 Why task based learning
Subjects not divided according to the timetable, cross curricular approach Shows that all subjects are equally as important Cooperation more important than competition No memorizing The teacher knows “less”, is not the authority, shows the way but does not guarantee the truth Work with ICT Good for multicultural classes, lets minorities be heard The confidence building curriculum But children with more cultural capital will still do better

5 Project work in teaching practice
Whole school projects x Projects within one subject Cross curricular aspects Examples from my own teaching practice

6 How to find a motivating topic?
Textbook or curriculum Teenage world Special interests of the class Brainstorm idea with the pupils Discussion with the pupils

7 Overcoming language obstacles and barriers
Pre-teach relevant vocabulary Use dictionaries Encourage pupils to use sources in English language Ask pupils to make lists of vocabulary for classmates before presenting Encourage pupils to rehearse their presentation Pay attention to pronunciation of unknown words

8 Helping pupils succeed
Monitor group work Split project work to smaller tasks, check their progress Set deadlines Explain the rules of making efficient presentation Guide pupils, give them advice, comment on their work, tell them how to continue Take pictures

9 Assessing task based learning
Portfolios, checklists Make the criteria known, state the importance of different parts of work Formative vs. summative evaluation Peer assessment Self assessment

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