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Pack 59, St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, Waukesha, WI

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1 Pack 59, St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, Waukesha, WI
Footsteps of the American Saints Night: St. Isaac Jogues Bl. Miguel Agustín Pro Pack 59, St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, Waukesha, WI

2 Tonight’s Saints Are: St. Isaac Jogues Bl. Miguel Agustín Pro

3 Our goals for tonight are:
To learn about both St. Isaac Jogues and Bl. Miguel Agustín Pro To fulfill the requirements of their respective Catholic Scouting patches To explain the order form and payment process for these patches Checks made out to “Pack 59” are due by March___, 2019

4 St. Isaac Jogues What did he look like? When and where did he live?
What did he do to become a Catholic saint? How should we feel about him? What can we learn from him?

5 What did he look like?

6 When and where did he live?
Feast Day: Oct 19 Patron of the Americas and specifically Canada Born: 1607 in France Died: 1646 in now upstate New York Beatified by Pope Pius XI in 1925 Canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1930 Biography here NCCS-BSA here Became a Jesuit priest in France Traveled to Canada / New York area to Christianize the Iroquois, Huron, and Mohawk Indians

7 When and where did he live?
First he lived in France. Canada / New York: Then he immigrated to Quebec and upstate New York. We are here.

8 What did he do to become a saint?
Became a Jesuit priest in France Taught literature in France Came to Quebec and upstate New York to teach Christianity to the Huron Indians Some Huron Indians converted to Christianity. Iroquois and Huron Indians were bitter enemies Iroquois captured Fr. Jogues They killed his Huron converts. He was saved by Dutch traders who brought him back to France. He healed and said mass with the Pope. He returned to Quebec to keep converting Indians to Christianity. A Mohawk chief killed him with a tomahawk axe.

9 Martyrs’ Shrine in Ontario

10 How should we feel about him?
How do you feel? What thoughts come to your mind?

11 What can we learn from him?

12 Let’s Fill in Our Answers for St. Isaac Jogues
Orleans, France on January 10, 1607 He was captured by the Mohawk Iroquois. Some Dutch merchants pitied him and smuggled him back to Manhattan. He was revered for being a “living martyr.” Everyone thought he had already died. The Pope allowed him to say Mass even though his hands had been mutilated from the torture inflicted on him by the Iroquois. On June 29, 1930 along with seven other North American martyrs. Teaching Christianity to the Mohawk Indians. September 26 (Canada), October 19 in the US

13 Bl. Miguel Agustín Pro What did he look like?
When and where did he live? What did he do to become a Catholic saint? How should we feel about him? What can we learn from him?

14 What did he look like?

15 When and where did he live?
Biography here NCCS-BSA here Born: January 13, 1891 Died: November 23, 1927 Feast: November 23 Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1988. Born in Mexico. Grew up in Guadalupe de Zacatecas, Mexico. Entered the Jesuit Order in 1911. Fled to Granada, Spain in 1914 because of persecution against Catholics in Mexico. Became a Jesuit priest in Belgium in 1925. Returned to Mexico to be a priest in secret.

16 When and where did he live?
We are here. First he grew up in Guadalupe de Zacatecas, Mexico . Then he went to Belgium to become a Jesuit priest. Then he went back to Mexico to be a priest in secret diusguise.

17 What did he do to become a saint?
Communism was trying to control everything. It tried to eliminate religion, especially the Catholic Church. Faithful Mexican Catholics had to practice their religion in secret. Bl. Miguel Agustín Pro loved his Catholic Faith so much that he risked imprisonment and death to live his faith in Mexico. He said secret masses. He listened to confessions and delivered the Holy Eucharist to people in secret. He was willing to die for his faith. He assisted the poor. He would come in the middle of the night dressed as a beggar to baptize infants, bless marriages and celebrate Mass. He would appear in jail dressed as a police officer to bring Holy Viaticum to condemned Catholics. (Viaticum is your last Holy Eucharist before death.) Falsely accused in the bombing attempt on a former Mexican president, he was sentenced to death without the benefit of any legal process.

18 Death of Bl. Miguel Agustín Pro
He prayed before he died. Before he died, he stood with his arms out like Jesus on the cross. He had a Rosary in his hand.

19 How should we feel about him?
How do you feel? What thoughts come to your mind?

20 What can we learn from him?

21 What can we learn from him?

22 Let’s Fill in Our Answers
Mexico. / He died in 1927 at the age of 36. Belgium. / He went there to finish his studies because there was great persecution of Catholics in his home country of Mexico. November 23rd. Father Miguel Pro's last actions were to forgive his executioners and refuse the blindfold. He died proclaiming, “¡Viva Cristo Rey!" (Long Live Christ the King!") Thousands of faithful turned out for Father Pro's funeral, forming a procession, and shouting, “¡Viva Cristo Rey!"

23 ¡El fin! ¡Muchas gracias! The end! Thank you!

24 Credits:

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