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Setting Goals and Managing Time Chapter 2

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1 Setting Goals and Managing Time Chapter 2

2 They simply have limited goals…
“People are not lazy. They simply have limited goals… That is, goals that do not inspire them.” Tony Robbins, Motivational speaker and writer

3 Strategy to Set Goals Define the goal Put it on paper
Make the goal your own Put it on paper Draw picture – cut out a picture – write it Lay out an Action Plan Create excitement along the way Take little steps every day

4 Identifying your goals
Goals should be realistic. Take into account your talents They should be challenging They should require effort They should inspire you

5 Types of Goals Personal Goals Educational Goals Professional Goals
Page 34 Personal Goals Relate to your family and private life Educational Goals What you want to learn Professional Goals What kind of licenses you need or $ Community Service Goals Improving conditions in your neighborhood

6 Length of Time to Achieve Goals
Short-term goals: a year or less Intermediate-term goals: one to five years Long-term goals: at least five years Page 35

7 Six Rules for Stating Goals
Express your goals in positive language ex: I will graduate with straight As Make your goals as specific as possible ex: I want to travel to Japan Make your goals measurable ex: I will save $1,000 Set a deadline Have a variety of goals Make your goals your own Page 37

8 Action Plan Set a deadline for getting started
Future Assignment Set a deadline for getting started List small tasks and do them Assign a short period of time during which you will work on your goal Do the worst thing first Use positive self talk Don’t procrastinate: waste time

9 Motivating Yourself Motivation: having the energy to work toward a goal. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What gives you energy? Intrinsic Motivation: motivation that comes from within Do do something because you want to do it It bring you happiness Extrinsic Motivation: motivation that comes from outside. You are going to get something out of it - I will get straight As because my parents will give me money

10 Reaching Your Goals: Staying Motivated
Expect plateaus. Don’t give up! Create your own extrinsic rewards. Ask family and friends for help. Visualize a better future. Don’t be afraid of failure (or success). Be flexible and don’t expect perfection. Stay highly hopeful! Page 47

11 Enjoy the Journey! You are the master of your own destiny!

12 Goal Inventory Assignment
Review assignment Start working on assignment in class I will walk around to help you

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