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Cloud Watching Eccl 11.1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Watching Eccl 11.1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Watching Eccl

2 Clouds Changing Seasons Indication of what is coming Power & beauty

3 Signs Of The Times Matt 16.1-3 – There will be rain
John – For he wrote of me Luke – The time of thy visitation

4 Symbol Of Promise Gen 9.9-13 – Token of a covenant
Luke – To remember his holy covenant Gal – Promise of the Spirit

5 Symbol Of Power Matt 17.4-5 – Hear ye him
2 Pet – More sure word Heb – Spoken by his son

6 Symbol Of Return Luke 21.27 – Power and great glory
Acts – Cloud received him 1 Thess – There shall we be

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